Chapter 10

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After getting dressed, they left the apartment complex quickly. It was already 6.10 pm, and they had to hurry. The drive would take 15 minutes if they took the highway. Li Lianhua drove to the Dragon Palace while XiaoBao kept guessing what he was up to. Li Lianhua just smirked and kept driving. The valet took the keys handed by him, and then they walked into the restaurant. The opulence of the place reminded Li Lianhua of another time... A steward came to guide them. After taking the details muttered by Li Lianhua, he immediately knew where to take them to.

XiaoBao kept being a pest as usual. The moment they turned towards the VIP section, Li Lianhua knew the show was about to start. He saw Di Feisheng seated with Xiayoli... "But.. but.. I don't know...." Li Lianhua heard Xiayoli saying. What was he digging for now.... She better keep her mouth shut. She already had spilt enough...

The steward took them to the table... "Mr. Xiangyi... please..." and he showed him the seat, Xiayoli was seated already... "Meimei.. I think you have to stand up..." Lianhua smirked.. XiaoBao was suddenly on alert. Who was this girl.. and why did Lianhua call her sister..?! He didn't have a sister before...

Xiayoli gave a vicious look to Xiangyi and stood from her seat..."Miss Xiayoli... your reservation is over here..." The steward pulled a chair out of the table next to this one and showed it,"please...."

"Oh, XiaoBao... Will you keep my sister some company please?" Lianhua asked.

"Why? What's going on here? Why is he here?"

"Oh! Haven't you figured it out yet? We are together because we are on a date!" Di Feisheng said, smiling sweetly at XiaoBao.

Well, as usual, Fang Duobing pulled Di Feisheng from his collar.. "You.... You vicious demon... You still haven't changed... How dare you...."

Lianhua sighed and got up from his seat. "Calm down. I am tired. I don't want to do the damage control anymore. If one of you or... better yet, both of you get arrested, I will not speak up for either one of you."

XiaoBao let go of Di Feisheng. He was fuming, and Di Feisheng, as usual, kept smiling... "Why do you always protect him and take his side?" XiaoBao asked rather hurt.

"Take it as a business transaction for now. Last time, you both fought and broke my home... Remember? This time, I ain't paying for shit... This is not my place."

"It's mine, though.... "

Lianhua and Duobing both looked at Di Feisheng... "Yes... Dragon Palace is mine.. who is the generational dragon, if not me?"

Xiayoli, who was now standing close to them, spoke up, "Mmmm.... why do I feel like I'm missing something here..."

"There's nothing you're missing. Sit your butt down and enjoy the evening with this cutie. He's also like my junior brother... I have ordered your favourite to the table."

XiaoBao sat down after banging the chair on the ground. Xiayoli was kinda fascinated by XiaoBao. He had that effect on people.. Especially on women....

Lianhua took his seat, and the steward who was ready to call the security sighed... Di Feisheng waved the hand and let the evening start...

The Sacher Cake was brought by the chef himself and made a small display.. the tart cherry syrup smell was so aromatic. Xiayoli was mesmerised by everything. Lianhua knew he made the right choice. But he didn't know that AFei owned this prestigious place, though....

The evening atmosphere became much better as time passed by. But the scorching hot looks AFei was getting kept on coming. If the looks could burn, AFei would have been a pile of ash already....

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