Chapter 09

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The next day was a late start for both Li Lianhua and Fang Duobing. He had a script reading for a brand commercial and rehearsal only. So they got to the place leisurely. While waiting for the other model to come, the  stylist started checking different hairstyles on XiaoBao. He played on his phone the entire time. After the other model came in, 30 minutes later, they were seated and going through the short script when Li Lianhua got a call from his assistant.

"It's sort of an emergency. Mr. Wang called. There is a competitor who has gotten some unwarranted information about the outskirts dealings, and he's trying to sue our dear Mr. Wang."

"Did you go through the checklist?"

"Yes, three times..."

"Oh, okay. Tell Mr
Wang I'll call him around 4 pm today. Ask him to hold on and stay calm."

"Noted. Oh, and.. mmm... I need to tell something... but don't get mad."

"You are my cousin. I trust you with my life. What the hell did you tell Di Feisheng?"

"You know I tried to send you on blind dates, which didn't work out. And he seems to be the guy that would understand you... I want you to be happy."

"That's none of your business, MeiMei... and he's not my type."

"Oh... reaaalllllyyyy... hehehe... I like to place a bet."

"Last time you lost, you cried and tattled to uncle."

"This time, I promise to keep my word... soooo what do you say?"

"Fine.. what's the bet?"

"You and him... one date... and if he locks you down, I get to keep the Alpha Romeo...."

"That's my treasure. And if I win?"

"I'll buy you anything you want. There is no limit."

Li Lianhua considered this... there was actually something he was dying to buy... Maybe this was not a bad one, once again. He just had to go on one date, and that's it....

"Okay. Deal."

"Hmmm.. yummy... ooookayyy... I will inform Di Feisheng."

"Wait.. why would you inform him?..... No, you didn't! I'm your family. You backstabbing little witch...."

"Hahaha.... bubble bubble toil and trouble sweet Gege..."

"You're done when I catch you... You better start running today itself..."

"Boohoo.. I'm not afraid... You are my sweet GeGe.."

"I'm not joking. Inform Mr. Wang what I said. Other things are not my concern." With that, he disconnected the call.

He was furious... Xiayoli... aahhh... was no different from XiaoBao. Both of them are trouble. Xiayoli was his light in the darkness... sweet little sister, he never had but got from a blessing... She was his uncle's only daughter. And since small days, he has become an elder brother to her... Wait... Xiayoli was a new person... She was not from the past. So there were certain differences too... But she was also similar to Su Xiaoyong! Then again, she doesn't look the very same...

That gave Li Lianhua an idea.. Two can play this game well... Smirking Li Lianhua came into check on XiaoBao. He was still rehearsing with the trainer and the other model...

After a few hours, it was over. On the way back, they had a late lunch from a secluded restaurant. The food was good. But the location might be the reason why it wasn't crowded. Once they came to the apartment complex once again, XiaoBao followed Li Lianhua into his condo. Rolling his eyes, Lianhua let him in.

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