Chapter 06

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The next morning, Fang Duobing was ready even before Li Lianhua opened the door. This threw Li Lianhua off balance. Mainly because this is highly unlikely of XiaoBao. Well, never mind, then let's roll with this new improvement and see..

"Wow, you're up and bright..."

XiaoBao smiled at Lianhua, too enthusiastically.. It was comical to look at. After placing the breakfast on the table, he looked at the younger one. "Eat and finish everything. Drink your juice. Since we have time, select what you want to pack to take home as well."

"Okay.. heee..." XiaoBao said. Then Lianhua left to check on his own stuff to pack.

After 40 minutes, he came back.  XiaoBao was sitting on the sofa scrolling through his phone, and Lianhua saw the suitcase packed neatly on the living room floor open for him to check. "Mmmm, sooo... you packed everything already? Did you double-check?"

"Don't worry, it's my home. I have plenty of stuff to wear and be comfortable."

"Okay. But halfway through the journey, do not come up with anything... Also, make a list of things you want to buy if you want to take anything home."

"Okay..." XiaoBao stood up and came closer to Li Lianhua.. "I can't wait to introduce you to my mom. She's going to love you..."

"I'm honoured to meet your mother. She must be a wonderful lady."

"She is... she's the best in both worlds.. Eh.. do you think she remembers us?.."

"Is it... is it the same mother? You know... "

"Hmm, yes... she is... Do you remember my mom from the past?"

"Of course I remember her, after more memories.. She liked me in the end... But she was also very overprotective over you.."

"She's still the same. But with the new technologies, she feels more at ease, I think. She doesn't worry like then."

"Maybe she does remember... Maybe she doesn't.. My suggestion is not to ask her unless she approaches the subject one day...."

"You're right.. I don't want her to worry...."

"Let's go. It's almost time."

XiaoBao nodded and followed Li Lianhua behind. This was a very familiar gesture, and now both of them understood why.... The only downside for Li Lianhua is that it's extremely hard to shake modern Duobing like those days. This one is more assertive, and he remembers how smart Lianhua is... So he feels that Bao is always on guard. But technically thinking Lianhua can't run anywayll. He is bonded by the contract... He doesn't wanna lose a lot of money..

But is it the money, though....?.!.. Money... he had plenty... so he knew deep in his heart that this time he actually wanted to be close to these two dear companions. He was the middle ground for both of them.

Li Lianhua blended in with the late morning traffic... It was very bright and sunny today.... He remembered a particular incident from the past on a sunny day... Di Feisheng was adamant about following him, saying he needed to win the dual between them... Thinking back now, he realised Di Feisheng wanted to be close to Li Lianhua..... or.... Li Xiangyi as Di Feisheng used to call him.

They had this brilliant understanding between them. He was light while Di Feisheng was dark. He was aloof and reserved while Lianhua was light and introverted... yet selectively extroverted. After the life shattering injury he bore in that life, he mostly went into a hermit mode.... This life was also not different... he had to face a major accident. But with the modern facilities and technology and money, he was saved without any complications....

When they got to the location, it was already busy with people running around. As usual, Li Lianhua followed Fang Duobing to the dressing room where the stylist was waiting. She immediately got busy with her hands. Within 30 minutes, XiaoBao was ready to shoot a magnificent set of pictures for the magazine.

After 3 hours of continuous work, XiaoBao was dead on feet. And you would think he would sleep in order to rest on the way back. Sorry to disappoint, but noooooo. The moment car doors closed, he started talking mile per minute. Where on Earth all this energy comes to him suddenly...? Such a confusing question Lianhua had. He just tuned him out automatically. And started thinking about Di Feisheng again....

He understood now very well why XiaoBao was assigned to him. It's not him keeping an eye on XiaoBao. As a matter of fact, it was totally the other way around. XiaoBao was the best person to hang on to someone if you don't want to lose the sight of that person again.... But then again, XiaoBao had to like the person... Wow, look at that..... what misfortune Li Lianhua had to be infatuated and admired by this little Shiba-Inu. Going out of the radar was just a dream for him now. Di Feisheng was very smart yet again. He can't always keep an eye on him. So he found the next best thing....

"Ooooo ahahhaha stop..! Stop I want mochi... MoChi... MoChiiii!!!..."

Li Lianhua sighed to himself and parked the car. "What flavours do you want?"

"Matcha and red bean paste...  Strawberry and cream... oh, three each, please."

Li Lianhua got out of the car and walked towards the famous mochi outlet. The delicious smell was all over the place. He bought Fang Duobing's order and ordered some for himself, too. He still loved salted caramel taste... when he got back to the car, Fang Duobing was playing a game on his phone. 'He really is a child'... Li Lianhua smiled to himself.

When they returned to their apartments, luckily, XiaoBao went to his home. The guy must be extremely exhausted today.... Tomorrow, they had to leave for the airport, so putting in the notifications and setting the alarm clock, Lianhua went to take a shower. Later, he ordered some late lunch and took it to Fang Duobing's unit. Sure enough, he was fast asleep. But Li Lianhua wanted him to eat, so he woke him up. Unfortunately, Li Lianhua had to eat there. XiaoBao can be a real pain in the neck at times....

Before he left, he briefed on the timings that they had to leave and all the other proceedings. Also, he promised to take him out in the evening to buy everything XiaoBao wants to take home....

As promised, around 6.30PM Li Lianhua took XiaoBao to the mall nearby... He bought a few jewellery pieces for his mom.. apparently, Mrs. Fang still loved Purple Jade. What a coincidence... So XiaoBao went to town with his money.

They had dinner from a restaurant and returned home. When Li Lianhua got to bed, he saw that he had a text message from Di Feisheng. He was asking about the day and whether they were ready to go tomorrow.... So Li Lianhua dropped a voice message with most of the details of the day and bid him good night....

Then he checked a few more emails, and after replying to several, he sent the briefing to his assistant and went to sleep as well......

Then he checked a few more emails, and after replying to several, he sent the briefing to his assistant and went to sleep as well

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