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Mina's door banged open- again.

Jafei walked in, followed by Twilight.

"I know last night was hard, Mina."

Mina quailed as Jafei sat beside her and continued, "But you must let go of the past. I am the only one who matters to you now. Do you understand?"

Mina nodded, and Twilight stepped forward.

"Now, I will be explaining the rules."

Twilight's voice was silky and elusive, and that put Mina on her guard immediately: Twilight was not to be trusted.

"You will wear your uniform at all times. You can only remove your cloak at night and only in your room, or when Jafei allows it. You will stay in your room at all times, unless you are training or permitted to do so otherwise by Jafei or Midnight. You will not be out of your room after 10 pm, unless Jafei allows it, and you must be accompanied by him then."

Mina nodded reluctantly.

"Eclipse will bring you your meals."

Jafei added, "If you're good, you'll have more leeway. If not..."

Jafei's smile widened.

The door slammed shut.

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