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Mina awoke.

Midnight barged in. "Hurry up and put your cloak on. We're going to start your training."

Mina blinked her tired eyes and got out of bed, fumbling for her cloak.

Midnight snapped her fingers. "Faster!"

Mina did so, glaring at Midnight.

The latter leaned in close. "Just a warning, Mina. Jafei has permitted us to punish you, if needed. The next time, there'll be no warning.

Mina gulped and looked elsewhere.

The moment they stepped out of her room, Midnight snapped, "Mina, now, shadow-travel to the meeting room where you met everyone last night."


"You heard me. Now, faster, or do you need encouragement?"

"But... I don't know how!"

Midnight sounded like she was rolling her eyes. "It's pure instinct for a powerful Shade! You can't learn abilities by sitting in a classroom, especially not elemental abilities! Hydrokentics and Gusters  learn that ever since they get their abilities, since theirs are the most volatile! Just envision where you need to go, and call on normal shadows to teleport you there! Just remember, you can't teleport out of the rooms and definitely not out of this hideout, or into the dungeons."

Mina felt Midnight's faceless glare on her, and she closed her eyes.

Normal shadows came, easier than breathing.

Then Mina envisioned the place of horrors where she had undergone torture last night. It was the last place she'd ever want to go, but...

Mina opened her eyes.

She was standing right in the middle of the meeting room.

Jafei strode over as Midnight appeared, too.

"Excellent! Imagine what she'd be able to do in a day's time!"

Midnight sighed. "That was a basic expectation of every Shade."

Jafei's face darkened.

Midnight quickly said, "Anyway, to start your first training, Eclipse'll be teaching you stealth.

The door banged shut.

Eclipse said in her lovely voice, "Let's get started, shall we?"

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