07 | A Beacon of Light

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Every moment spent with Bree felt like a ray of sunshine piercing through the clouds of my life. Sitting across from her at our favorite café, I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement coursing through my veins. She was the one who had healed wounds I didn't even know existed, and for that, I was eternally grateful.

As we exchanged laughter and light conversation, I couldn't ignore the serious undertone in Bree's gaze. "Xander, can I ask you something?" she ventured, her voice gentle yet probing.

Nodding, I leaned in, eager to hear what was on her mind. "Of course, Bree. What's on your mind?"

Taking a deep breath, Bree broached the topic of Ellie, my ex-girlfriend. Memories of the painful breakup flooded back, and I felt a pang of sadness wash over me. "Ellie cheated on me," I confessed, my voice heavy with emotion. "It was a tough time, but my friends and family were there for me."

Bree reached across the table, her touch offering solace in the face of my pain. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, Xander. You didn't deserve it."

Her words were like a balm to my wounded soul, and I squeezed her hand in gratitude. "Thanks, Bree. It means a lot to have you here."

But as our conversation shifted, so did my thoughts. The looming family gathering weighed heavily on my mind, knowing that I'd have to face my father's scorn once again. Mark Hayes had never understood my love for soccer, always belittling my passion and pushing me to join the family business.

As the gathering unfolded, my father wasted no time in mocking my dreams, dismissing them as nothing more than childish fantasies.

"I need to tell you that I will be playing in the Global Soccer League after I achieved my degrees" I interjected, hoping to find some understanding from him.

"Great", his response was as cold and dismissive as ever, crushing whatever hope I had left for a meaningful connection with him.

"That's so amazing, I'm so proud of you", Cindy chirped with excitement.

"I knew you could do it", Jeffrey congratulated me.

But Father remained silent and finally said, " There's nothing to be proud about that, it's just a soccer".

Feeling the familiar surge of anger rising within me, I struggled to contain my emotions. In a fit of rage, I cursed my father before storming out of the room, my heart heavy with frustration and disappointment.

"You know what, fuck you. If you're trying to lure me in this shitty hole just to mock me, don't bother to call me ever again". I snapped and stormed off.

Driving aimlessly through the streets, I found myself drawn to Bree's house. She had always been a source of comfort and understanding, and I knew she would listen without judgment.

I called her, Bree welcomed me with open arms, her presence a soothing balm to my troubled mind, my voice trembling with emotion as I fought to keep my anger in check. Bree listened patiently as I poured out my heart, offering words of comfort and understanding.

"Xander, I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. Your father's words were incredibly hurtful," She said.

I confessed, my voice trembling with emotion.

Her eyes brimmed with sympathy, and she reached out to squeeze my hand. "I'm glad I could be here for you, Xander. You know you can always count on me."

A wave of gratitude washed over me, knowing that I wasn't alone in my pain. "Thanks, Bree. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"It's okay, Xander. We'll get through this together. You're not alone," she reassured me, her voice filled with warmth and compassion.

As we sat together on Bree's bed, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. With Bree by my side, I knew that I was not alone. I started kissed her softly, our lips meeting in a tender embrace.

"Bree", I let out between the heavy breathings.

"Yes Xander".

"I love you, Bree". I confessed. As I started to take off her clothes along with mine.

"Xander, I think it's too early for this", Bree said.

"I want you to trust me Bree, as I'm trusting you too".

"Xander", She replied, but I shut her with another kissed.

As I made my way down her body, my lips touching every single part of her. Licking her swollen clit playfully. Gosh she's so sweet.

"Bree, tell me you're ready, I swear I'll make it worth it ", I begged.

"I never thought that I'd make the Rocket begged for sex", she said it with a mischievous smile.

I chuckles "I'd fucking bark if you tell me to, I'm all yours Brielle Williams", I continue to kissed her but this time with more passionate, my body's screaming for her. My dick's so hard that it'll be able to popped out of my pants.

"Xander, please don't make me regret", Bree pleaded.

I looked her deep in the eyes " Baby I promise I won't "

As I started to enter her heaven. God, she's so fucking tight, a clit so perfect, only made for me, all mine. I started to thrust slowly and gently. Bree let out a moan, the perfect harmony came right from heaven. She's mine. Brielle Williams is mine and only mine. And I won't fucked up this time.

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