Five - Insomnia

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"Mr. Calvin!" I stammered. “How did you find me? Are you... are you alone?" I asked, suddenly feeling flustered. "I'm sorry, I'm rambling," I added, embarrassed by my own nerves. He flashed a charming grin. 

"You gave me your card, remember? And as it turns out, I'm good friends with the owner of this clinic. I asked him if I could receive therapy from you specifically, rather than any other psychologist," he explained smoothly. I blinked, caught off guard and unsure of how to respond. 

"Okay... have a seat, then. We have less than an hour," I finally said. He took off his long beige coat, casually draping it over the chair before sitting down and crossing his legs.

"So, what symptoms are you experiencing? Any mental or emotional challenges?" I asked, trying to focus on the session instead of getting lost in his captivating eyes. 

"I’ve been having trouble sleeping," he began. "It’s like when I close my eyes, all my problems manifest and keep me awake. I hear noises when I try to sleep, and I can't keep my eyes closed for long. Even when I do manage to fall asleep, I wake up after just three hours. It's starting to take a toll on my health," he admitted, and as I studied him, I noticed his tired eyes, the faint dark circles hidden under what must’ve been makeup.

"Alright. Has there been any childhood trauma or perhaps a specific event that's been weighing on you?" I asked, trying to get to the root of his sleeplessness.

"Or perhaps an underlying health issue? Alcohol, drugs, smoking, exercise?" I asked gently, trying to cover all possibilities. He gave a small smile before faking a cough. 

"My work brings a lot of stress. As a businessman, it's tough to keep things balanced. I'm always on the go, and it’s exhausting," he admitted, his tone sincere.

"Alright," I responded, typing notes on my computer. After a moment, I stood up. 
"Come with me, Mr. Calvin," I said, gesturing for him to follow.

"Calvin is fine, Heidi," he whispered, sending a shiver up the back of my neck.

"Oh, okay," I whispered back, leading him to the treatment chair. His long legs hung over the edge, making it a bit awkward for me to maneuver around him, but I did my best.

"When did this all begin?" I asked, trying to guide him deeper into the session. 

"Three months ago," he replied. 

"Alright. Now, I want you to go back to three months ago. Picture yourself coming home from work, without the weight of insomnia. Think about the things that made you happy, what you enjoyed most about your work," I instructed. His eyes closed, his lips drawn into a tight line as he focused.

"I'm scared... I don't want to fail," he whispered softly, a vulnerability in his voice that made my heart ache with empathy.

"Take a deep breath, and calm your racing heart," I said softly, and without thinking, I placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. He seemed to relax at my touch, his tension easing as he slowly opened his eyes. Our gazes locked, and I quickly looked away, feeling a sudden rush of shyness.

"I was at peace, even if just for a moment," he said, breaking the silence. 
"Let's hope it stays that way," I replied with a reassuring smile as he stood up.

"You have a calming voice," he complimented, his eyes warm. 

"I hear that a lot. Thank you," I replied, feeling a little flustered but grateful.

"Well, I should get going. Wouldn't want to keep the pretty lady working overtime," Calvin said with a smirk.

"Your next appointment is Friday. The nurse will give you more information," I told him.

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