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The human nature have something called 'will'. It's a really strong emotion, they say. Some humans have a really strong will to with live or die. It can range from the will to eat a cupcake, to the will to kill themselves. It's really hard to understand humans yet simple, like trying to read an open book but you are unfamiliar with the language.

You understood what he meant when he said 'hide'  that can only mean one thing, a doppelganger is behind that door. Your body froze in one place, you couldn't move an inch of your body, for some reason your body felt really heavy like how on some nightmares when the predator is behind you and you are about to run but it feels like you are running on no gravity. Feeling like your knees about to give up, your eyes widened in fear you kept looking at the door fearing when that monster would brust through that door. Francis understood that you are terrified. He swiftly holded your hand and took you into the living room. Still shaken up by what just happened you didn't try to ask questions as you knew what the answers would be.

Francis leaned a little low to your face, he gently pushed away some lock of your hair and whispered in your ear "We need to hide okay? Work with me."

You met his gaze, he looked really concerned but, you were still a little confused on why he is calm? He isn't fazed like you are or perhaps you are the onw who is weak, brushing away those thoughts you simply nodded in response.

But before you both could comprehend what is happening, a loud noise emerged from behind the door as if that monster was banging and wanted to come inside. Both of you flinched at the loud noise.
Not taking your eyes off the door, you felt like crying but no it wasn't the time to. Why is this happening to me? Why? I don't deserve a death like this! You were becoming angry at the situation or you can say annoyed. Francis looked around, he was still holding your hand.
He led both of you towards your bedroom,  quietly but quickly opened the closet and entered as you did the same. It was actually darker than you expected. You felt like suffocating, your closet was small so you both had to squeeze to fit in. The closet was big enough to fit you both but small enough that you had to squeeze in. You were trying your best to not breathe loudly but still trying to breathe, you knew Francis could hear your breathing as you could hear him too. Feeling a drop of sweat slide down on your face, it was really hot but you knew you couldn't do anything about it. Realising that Francis was still holding tight onto your hand, your hand was getting sweaty and hot you almost wanted to let go but didn't.

Suddenly you both heard a really loud bang as you flinched slightly. No that monster didn't-! Your thoughts were cut off by heavy stomping. Seemed like the doppelganger indeed broke that door and have finally entered into your apartment. Your felt that you would threw up your heart, it felt like your heart would now come out of your mouth. You bited your inner cheek, you were really sure now that you both are gonna die here. Putting a hand on your mouth tears flowed down staining your cheeks. After some seconds sounds of plates and cupboards being destroyed could be heard. The doppelganger is in the kitchen you guessed. You don't care how much that monster is destroying your things all you cared about is your and francis beating heart. Francis let go of the hand he has been holding and wiped gently wiped your tears by his thumb. Is he not scared? You knew some people were suicidal and people would guess looking at Francis he was too but is he really giving up?

Suddenly you both heard gunshots? Is the D.D.D here? You thought. That's the only explainable answer, as you both can't really see nor can hear expect the gunshots. Really loud gunshots emerged as also a loud painful growl. You quickly covered your ears as Francis did the same. Is the doppelganger being shot? After some minutes that felt like hours passed by, the gunshots died down as well as that monster's growl. Both of you were hesitant to open the door yet there's no other option than to open the closet door and check what happened outside by your own eyes.

Opening the closet door slowly you both looked around, exiting the bedroom you both slowly walked towards the kitchen. There was so much blood, the stench of blood almost made you threw up, you quickly putted your hand on your nose and mouth covering it properly as if the blood was going into your airways, Francis put his handkerchief to cover his nose. You've seen blood before but that was period blood. Period blood is also red anyway so you always thought you would be okay after seeing a pool of blood but that seemed to not be true anymore. You were sure that maybe the officer died or the doppelganger. Francis walked more closer to inspect, you stayed still, no way you were going in to see a dead body of a fucking monster.

After a minute or two Francis came out of the kitchen. He nodded, you took the sign that the doppelgangers is indeed dead but what about the officer? You didn't bother to question as you didn't wanted to stand near that pool of blood for a minute more. You both walked into the living room, there was no blood in the living room but you still looked around the ground and the stench of blood made you sick. You had many questions but what seemed more important was 'what are you both gonna do now? The doppelganger was dead now but we can't be sure it was the only one'  you opened your mouth to speak.
"What should we do?" You can't understand why you are so clueless for some reason, you've watched and read about an apocalypse many times so you should've figured out a thing or two right? Was is because you were scared? You decided to blame it on anxiety. Francis turned his face towards you, his eyes showed determination, it didn't felt right to see determinationin his tired eyes. "We are gonna go out." You blinked. "I'm sorry what?"

Is he crazy? No way you were gonna go out in a situation like this! It will be the dumbest thing to do, this is litrelly how people die in movies! We don't even know if it's safe outside. What will we do if we encounter those monster? We are weak against them no matter what!

We humans never encountered something stronger than us other than nature. We think we are stronger than animals, we aren't. We are just smarter. If we were stronger than animals we would be living in the woods but we are smart so we built buildings. Us being smarter meant if we can't adapt we will make that comfort bubble, I guess it's the human nature. Living in the woods doesn't makes us seem strong. We are humans, we will be selfish indeed.

Dumbass. -y/n


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