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Humans are Rational animal. We are rational in real life that is why they are showed doing irrational things on movies comic books etc. Selfish and rationality both are different but they cross their paths at one point. Selfish and rationality defines human. You will never meet a human who isn't selfish, even if it is a 1 year old child or a really old person. As no one likes to be stepped on.

You both just escaped death right now and now Francis was telling you to open the door to death? You were really confused. You were staring right into his soul as if he just said something offensive to you, even he was a little taken aback by your reaction though he knew you would think he is stupid.

Francis sighed "Please litsen to me first." He said in his cold and deep voice. "Okay, I'm litseing." You simply said trying not to show your anger or maybe annoyance to him. "The gunshots were probably heard all over the building." You nodded shortly, you were starting to realise what he meant to say. "If there are other predators they will perhaps come to check or maybe kill preys in here." You gulped quietly as you stared at your pink carpet. You indeed needed time to think over it. "But as we leave my apartment and unfortunately we encounter one of those monster who are coming to 'check?" It almost felt like you both were trapped or maybe you both were trapped. "It's either hide and die or leave and live." You furrowed your brows.

There was no way you would go out. It's like opening the door for the killer to come in. Indeed a human nature to be scared or maybe just a survival instinct?

You looked at him then at the ground. A confusing situation isn't it?
Francis noticed what was going in your mind, it was normal for you to be all scared and confused. If you both don't agree and talk it out on each other and not corporate at all then it will be a loss for both.

"Okay look at me." He said. You slowly looked up at him, a little hint of hesitation in your action. "We can do this okay. You trust me right?" Unfortunately you do trust him but not yourself. You slowly nodded in response.

Up until now you always thought you were suicidal and that if given a chance to die you will happily take it. But now that death is knocking you are scared to open the door, you are a human, you will be scared to die. You didn't knew you were this weak. You knew you were physically and mentally strong or so you thought. Your assumptions crushed beneath your human nature.

"Good" Francis said and gave a small smile at you. You felt a little better now for some unknown reason, maybe happy to see him relieved a little? "So what's the plan?" You asked with the determination in your eyes you once hated to see.

All the self defense items. With Francis and your determination will you both be able to survive in this apocalypse?

Sitting on the couch Francis started to explain what you both will do now.

"First we need to get out of this floor as soon as possible." You gave a small nod at him.

"If we go to the top floor we will be stuck in there if the mosters do come running to this floor, and if we go to the 1st floor there might be more than one monster down there." A little confused you asked. "Wait, if both the floors are unsafe what are we gonna do?" Francis looked at you like he had the most amazing plan. "We will hide and run." Silent for some seconds trying to understand what he meant, all you could say was. "What?"
"I'll explain to you we hide so just follow me and-" He paused for a second. "trust me, okay?" It seemed like he wanted you to trust on him, and you did but did yiu actually trusted him? You simply nodded. You felt a little weird in your stomach was it anxiety or excitement? But why would you be excited to open the door death has been knocking on?
Brushing those thoughts away you saw Francis standing up you did the same as you both walked out of the bloody apartment of yours.
You also felt like you were in a movies on how you both were silently with your guards on walking out.
It seemed that you both were going downstairs.

As you both walked In silence almost about to reach the 1st floor sudden gunshots emerged. You both flinched, Francis turned to look behind at you. You walked closer to him, "what is happening?!" You asked in horrer. "Come on." He said before speaking once more. You wonderedon how is he so calm and collected in situations like this while you are litrelly trembling at any sound.
"I think the D.D.D have arrived." As soon as those words left his mouth you felt a wave of relief wash over you. Even though it was just an assumption you felt truthfully relieved. Francis turned to you and started to walk to the 2nd floor now. "Where are you going?" Francis paused taking your hand in his and started to lead you to the hallway. "No one wants to stay near loud gunshots." He simply responded.
You both sat on the hallways floor. There wasn't silence but it felt like it had. That rushing sound in your mind was now silent even though there was no sound before. You mind felt light now. Thought have seemed to be clearing away as those gunshots go on. Shooting away those panic thoughts away.

After a while those gunshots died down. You exhaled. Finally safe aren't we? You both didn't get up for some seconds and sat in silence, it was really silent now. You liked those gunshots way better as the silence now was stabbing your mind with anxiety and overthinking. You decided to stand up as Francis did the same after you. You both started walking downstairs. So much happened today. You thought as Francis shoes made sound as you both walked down. You started to think on what happened today. It felt like an entire day has passed, but it wasn't even evening. For some reason your body still felt on guard and stiff, it's the aderliene you thought. As soon as you both reached the down floor you thought you would see the officers standing with their guns in hands and the mosters dead but what you saw was totally unexpected.

Sorry for the really short chapter :(


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