Chapter 23

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Me and Pix were sat in our beds, scrolling mindlessly through our phones in silence. We had nothing much to talk about and Nya didn't come back from the boys yet.

"What's Nya taking so long? Shouldn't she be back by now?" I asked with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

Paige shrugged, "I don't know... It is getting a bit-"

"ARGH, SHIT!!" We heard a voice yell from down from the end of the corridor. Me and Pix looked at each other and snorted.

"Someone bumped their head pretty hard," I joked.

"Wait... Was that Jay?" Pix asked, slightly concerned.

My eyes widened in realisation, "Oh, shit, probably. He is pretty clumsy." We shrugged it off and looked back on our screens again.

We heard someone else shout. "Kai, listen to me!! It's not fucking worth it! Stop before it gets any worse!" Me and Pix shot glances at each other.

"Was that Nya?!" Pix asked.

"Shit, shit, shit!" I exclaimed as I shot out of bed and put my slippers on. 

We then heard Mr Wu say, "What is the meaning of this?!" We quietly peaked through or bedroom doors. "You three, out. Now," sir commanded. We watched Kai, Jay and Nya leave Morro and Griffin's room and follow sir upstairs. I gestured for Pix to follow me downstairs. I wonder if Cole and Zane know.

We knocked on the door and walked in.


Since Zane and I were alone, we used this opportunity to make out...

We were both sat on my bed, my left hand cupped on his cheek, his right hand round my waist. Our eyes were closed and our lips were moving in perfect sync. Zane was very gentle while I was a bit more dominant. I brushed my fingers through his beach blonde hair and had my hands around his neck. I suddenly heard a knock on the door. My eyes opened in panic and I quickly pushed Zane's chest, causing him to fall on the floor, "Woah!"

"Sorry!" I whisper-shouted. Skylor and Pix walked in and we greeted them with an innocent smile. Pix was last to walk in and shut the door behind her. The girls stopped and looked at us (mainly at Zane who was still laying flat on the floor) with their eyebrow raised.

"What are you doing on the floor?" Sky asked. I smirked at Zane, because he was the one who needed to think of an excuse.

"It's... uhhh..." He looked around and sat up slightly. "Comfy?"

"...okay. Anyway. Something went down upstairs," Sky said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I think it was a fight," Pix explained, "Whatever it was, Kai, Jay and Nya were involved." Zane and I exchanged worried glances and then looked back at the girls. "They were walking out of Morro and Griffin's room... Mr Wu-" Pix was interrupted by the door opening.

It was Jay, with an ice pack and tissue over his bleeding nose and for some reason, no shirt on. We said nothing as we watched him walk in. 

"You good?" Sky asked.

"Am I good?" He let out a sarcastic chuckle. Oh dear. Every time you hear that sarcastic laugh of his, you know that he's about to scream his lungs out. "Am I GOOD?!" There it is. "I'm shirtless, I have a NOSEBLEED," he started explaining loudly, waving his bloody tissue around, "and my girlfriend was almost RAPED," tears started streaming down his face, "by a certain little SHIT NAMED MORRO!"

We were all too stunned to speak. We all looked at each other with huge concerned looks on our faces. Jay burst into tears along with quiet sobs. Zane and I got up and went to either side of Jay, our hands placed on his shoulders. We guided him to the bed for him to sit down. "I-If me and Kai d-didn't n-notice that e-earlier," Kai walked into the room with a frown. "Morro... He- He would've done s-something worse..." Jay choked out through sobs.

We all diverted our attention to Kai, who avoided eye contact.

"What happened?" Zane asked.

"What do you mean? Jay clearly just explained the whole thing."

"Okay, what did sir say?" Sky asked.

Kai shrugged. "He didn't let me stay with Nya. He sent me to my room. She won't speak. She's shook... How'd you know that Nya was in trouble?" he asked Jay, whose sobs calmed down a little.

"G-Griffin sent a picture on Nya's ph-phone..." Jay wiped his tears, "There was a caption, something along the lines of 'I'm breaking up with you' or something... She didn't look comfortable with Morro at all. I knew that something was wrong..."

Kai smiled lightly, "Thanks, man... You saved her."

"Not completely. You saw that look on her face..."

Kai frowned and leaned against the ladder on the bunk bed opposite, holding the bridge of his nose.

"It's our fault," Pix said, gesturing at her and Skylor. "She told us she was going to you... She was gone for a while. We should've figured out that something was wrong..."

I shook my head, "It's not your fault. Morro and Griffin shouldn't be pulling this type of shit off... It's fucking vile..."

"Agreed..." Zane said.

We all sat in silence for a while, filling the atmosphere with angry sighs when someone knocked on the door. Kai opened it. Mrs Jones was at the door. "Is there anyone in here who isn't in their room?" She looked behind Kai and saw the girls. "Girls, go back to your own room, please. Lights out, I don't want anyone wandering around the monastery, got it?" We nodded as the girls left. 



Kai and Jay climbed into their top bunks while me and Zane got into ours. Kai let out a sigh.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Not really. That gut feeling I've been having all week was warning me about them two after all..."

"Gut feeling?"

"Me vomiting every time I saw Morro and Griffin... It was like a massive feeling that something terrible was gonna happen... I couldn't figure out what or to who but I guess I know now..."

What an ending to the trip in Camp Serenity... How ironic.


We got back to our room where Nya was. She was sat on her bottom bunk with her face full of tears. We rushed over to her and without saying another word, we immediately started comforting her.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Pix asked. Nya instantly shook her head.

"I'm gonna go to sleep..." 

"Okay... Goodnight, Nya."


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