Chapter 5: Gisaea

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Nuri and Gisaea dined together in silence, their mother never once deciding to join them. Gisaea hadn't expected her to, anyways. She probably wouldn't show her face for a few days, at most. Even so, the chicken was delicious. Well, at least to Gisaea it was. Nuri just stared at her plate, her eyes foggy and distant. Gisaea placed a hand on her sister's, trying for a comforting smile. Nuri just sighed and looked away, her eyes once again finding the dragon egg leaning against the wooden leg of a nearby stool. Letting out a dramatic sigh, she sauntered sadly over to the egg and picked the shelled infant up, groaning slightly from the weight. Gently stroking the surface of the egg, she huffed with despair, shooting puppy-eyed glances at Gisaea as she did so.             
Gisaea sighed. She didn't know what to say—knowing her mother could easily ship the egg off to the sanctuary she worked at in no time. A place where the infant would be safe...nursed to pristine condition by professionals. But Gisaea also knew how connected her sister felt to the little dragon, especially after finding its mother in the forest. And how could Gisaea say no to those puppy dog eyes?
Gisaea ran a hand through her curls with a sigh.    
"Go. Hide the egg in your room. And, no. I won't tell Mom." Nuri's face lit up at last, and she smiled, excitement gleaming in her brown eyes.
"Really?!" She exclaimed in disbelief.
"Yes, really. Now go hide the egg before Mom sees." She could tell Nuri was barely holding back a squeal as she hopped down from the table with the spotted egg in her arms. Though on the way to her room, she paused, glancing back at Gisaea one last time, as if to make sure her sister hadn't changed her mind. Gisaea sent her a wink, one last sign that she had truly made her decision. She didn't know anyone else who would be able to raise a baby dragon better than her own nature-loving little sister.
Nuri's eyes shone like the stars as she joyfully skipped the rest of the way to her room.

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