Chapter 22: Cyprian

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After hours of flying, it was finally time for a break.
They flew down to a fresh spring in the forest below—where the water was refreshingly cold, clean, and so pristinely clear that it reflected the sky above like a mirror. Cyprian breathed in the fresh pine air of the forest, soothing his fear-of-heights queasiness as he took a cool sip of the water.

Then his stomach rumbled like a thunderstorm had reckoned it'd be a great idea to reside within his gut.

"Dude," Kaeirin grinned, his eyes glinting with humor. "Was that you?"

Cyprian ignored him, instead attempting to recall the last time he'd eaten. Earlier, he'd shrugged off the Woodlander's pancake breakfast because his mind had been too preoccupied with pestering thoughts of light dragons. Yesterday, he'd been too worried about Raene to even think about food, and two days ago—his mind had been muddled with thoughts of the escape.
Three days? Huh. No wonder he was so famished.
Standing up, Cyprian determined that foraging for food would be the wisest decision. Roasting meat over a fire would waste too much time, so he'd have to settle for something simple. Something easy. Something like...


For a while, Cyprian scanned bush after bush for any indication of at least one shrub embellished with clusters of fruit. Though the more he examined each plant, the more he encountered unrelenting masses of infuriating bare leaves.
He was frankly beginning to give up hope—when his eye skimmed over a promising glimpse of brilliant red beyond an unkempt barrier of plants.

His stomach rumbled hungrily as he strode forward—pushing past the leafy barrier.
That's when Cyprian stumbled into an enormous grove faultlessly flourishing with the largest, healthiest bushes he'd ever seen in his life. Not only that, but they were fully garnished with tremendous clusters of brilliantly plump red berries. Berries that were round, full, and fresh—illuminated by the sunlight seeping through the leafy trees above.
His stomach rumbled. With this many berries open to taking, he'd never go hungry again.
Cyprian stepped towards the berry bushes and eagerly started plucking—plopping the berries into his satchel for later. He couldn't wait to pop them in his mouth. They would be juicy...sweet...deli—

"Who's there?"

Cyprian froze, an ice-cold shiver slipping down his spine.

He wasn't alone.


Massive thunderous footsteps rumbled the ground as Cyprian's heart pounded in his chest. He slowly backed away from the berries, positioning his hand tightly around the hilt of his Stygian knife.


Cyprian exhaled, slowly steadying himself.

He needed to run.


But the instant Cyprian took one step, an enormous hand grasped him from under his arms and wrapped its fingers around his torso. He cursed.

He tried to push his way out of the gigantic hand, but its grip was too tight. Cyprian could hardly breathe as the monsters' gargantuan fingers practically squeezed the life out of his body.

"You..." The monster mumbled, bending its hand until Cyprian was forced to face the hideous thing.

First of all, it was thirty-feet-tall—and horribly unsightly at that. Its dark green skin smelled of rotten eggs, while two big yellow eyes and a huge, warty nose uglified its face. Its teeth were sharp and covered in gunk, and the hand that'd entrapped Cyprian was a massive claw bejeweled with deadly razor-sharp talons. Two giant black horns rested on the monster's head, which told Cyprian precisely what the beast was.

A troll.

Man-eating monsters that dwelled in the forest realms.

If Cyprian didn't escape now...

"You were picking my berries." The troll mentioned, like Cyprian hadn't figured that much out by now. He avoided the troll's hideous gaze, its breath ruthlessly torturing his nostrils.

"You picked my berries, so now you must DIE!" The troll roared, its disgusting spit flying in Cyprian's face.

But then, as the troll opened its mouth—getting ready to swallow Cyprian whole—it conveniently closed its eyes.
Foolish creature.

Tightening his grip on his Stygian knife, Cyprian waited until a moment pristine in timing. He tried his best not to think about how high up the troll had lifted him, knowing that attacking meant the beast would surely let him fall.


Cyprian stabbed the troll directly in its thumb, green blood oozing out of the puncture.

"AAAAAARGH!!!" The troll cried out in pain, releasing Cyprian at last.

Taking off, Cyprian ran with all his might. The troll would surely follow him, and he had to warn the others. They had to get out of there.

And fast.

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