5 Years Later

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It's been 5 years now. Hello to the audience you Al are reading this story of mine. Yes, my name is Marissa Avans. I know all of you must thinking how can I speak fluently at such a young age. I'm 5 by the way in case you don't know, I don't to judge mummy doesn't like that.

As you all know I live with my mummy and grandparents they three love and adore me so does spoil me rotten. Especially grandpa he always spoil me with gifts such as dolls or any toys that a little kid at the age like me could wish for. But it turns out I'm not interested in any of it I'm interested in science, math, books let's just say I'm more to educational intellect.

If you're asking me whether I ever asked about my father. I did actually but mummy said she'll tell me when she thinks I'm mature enough. I don't understand I already mature despite my young age I already at the level of high school. Nevertheless she won't tell me unless she thinks I'm mature enough. Really why tho?

But I have to tell you guys that I never want to know about my father just want to know the name that's all. And just want to know why he left. There's must be a reason right? Suddenly Marissa thought was disrupted by her mother called her.

"baby, what are you doing there? Reading again?" she asked "yes, mummy I am reading as you can see" she replied even though its quite rude to answer like that but her mother doesn't care it reminds her of certain someone "lovely, what you're reading?"

"nothing, just some phycology book I found in your room." the 5 years old kid replied "in my room? Baby what did I said about taking my stuff?"

"to not take it without your permission" the 5 years old kid replied pouting. "Alright, alright gezz how can I say no to such a cute creature like you" the mother exclaim carry her daughter and took the book away from her.

"I.. I want to read more" the mother smile at her "I will let you read more if you eat your vegetable, it's dinner time after all" that cause Marissa to pout more.

"don't pouting like that, you'll make me feel guilty" the mother exclaim finally arrived at the kitchen table for dinner time. "oh, mom, dad, you guys early"

"of course we are!" the grandpa walk up to them "now give me the baby girl, I want to feed her this time you already fed her this morning" that cause both the grandma and mummy to let out a soft chuckle.

"Alright dad, here" she pass the kid at her father "Aww you such cute little thing, I could never be bored with that little face of yours" the grandpa exclaim pinching my cheek well not that strong but still it hurts.

"grandpa stop, it hurts you know" the little girl exclaim "oh my, I'm so sorry but you cannot blame me tho you look so cute" she pout again "see even when you're pouting is cute, no could resist such cuteness"

"now, now dear, let's start eating the food is getting cold" grandma exclaim.
"Alright, alright, let's go eat" both mummy and grandpa sit and start eating. Grandpa feeding me even though I don't want but it's hard to let him look sad when I reject.

As they eat the meals in a calming silence suddenly mummy speak "oh, as I recall you both are going to have a honeymoon right?" she asked at grandma and grandpa.

"yes, dear we are, you don't mind right? That we leave you two here?" grandma ask "yes, rest assured mom, we'll be fine, I supposed to be the one to be worrying about you and dad"

"oh, don't worry we'll be completely fine, right dear" grandma ask grandpa that's been busy with feeding me "oh? Yeah, we'll be fine Mary you doesn't need to worry about anything"

"Alright, if you said so I wish the best for you both" after dinner mummy tell me that she's going to let me read the book again even though I only eat once of the broccoli I mean I eat other vegetables but broccoli nope. Not going to happen.

Me in my mummy room she's getting ready for bed "mummy can I know who's my father now?" the little kid asked "sorry dear, you're not mature yet, I'll tell you when you're ready alright?" mummy replied.

"but why? Aren't I mature enough?" she asked almost pouting not pouting "well,et me ask you a question. Why do you want to know about him so much?" mummy asked.

"so that I can kill him"she stated like a very normal thing to do" woah, where did you learn that word dear?" mummy asked quite shocked

"books" the little girl replied "ok, I know you're smarter but you cannot kill anyone alright? It's illegal. Beside why you want to kill him anyway?"

"because he made you sad" that cause mummy to raise an eyebrow at me "sad?" she asked "yeah, I often see you're crying over some piece of paper I assume that might be his picture and I always trying to find it yet I didn't. You good at hiding stuff mummy" the 5 years old kid replied.

Mummy chuckle softly probably at how hilarious I sound "no, no dear, you misunderstood me" she wipe her tears away and put me on her lap "I do cried when I saw his picture but I know that I have more precious thing in my life" and that cause me to raise an eyebrow at her "what is it mummy?"

Mummy smile softly the smile that I love so much I heard grandpa said I had her smile and I couldn't be happier "it's you dear, you are my world, my life" she exclaim her soft voice that always gentle I love it.

"I love you mummy" that cause mummy to smile wider "I love you too baby" she pull me in a big warm hug. I love this so much.

Meanwhile I did noticed grandma and grandpa between the gap door it seems like they're listening to us again.


"aww, I want her to say she love me too" Allison said "now dear, she did said she love you right?" Qamilla asked remembering her husband that his granddaughter did told him that she love him.

"yeah, I know, but I want more" the husband pouting at his wife "Alright you'll get more later for now let's sleep, tomorrow we're going to have our honeymoon after such a long time" the wife told her husband.

"Alright, let's go darling" the husband replied then they both when to their room and sleep for the night waiting for what will come their way in the tomorrow morning.

Hey, guys! Chapter two. Glad I can made it here. Thank you for reading tho. Love you guys ♥️

Love – mia❤️

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