Let's Begin

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It's been 4 years since my mother's deaths but my plan to for my father is still fresh in my mind. If you're asking what company my family did is, it turns out to be a flowers supplier no wander the garden got so many of flowers well, I've already took care of that and I did it very greatly.

If you guys asking how I feel about my grandparents and mummy deaths I have to say it seems like someone's planned it. I don't know why but my gut says that way but I got no evidence that's why I also asked Sarah to try and get everything that's related to the car incident and so does the airplane for now she got nothing.

There's a sudden knock on the door I am currently in my study room doing some paperworks based on how it knocks it seems like it's Sarah probably have another information about my father it's been years now and I'm not in the mood of it nonetheless I reply "come in" then she open the door and walk inside putting a file and she speak "this is the latest information about Mr. Sherlock Holmes this is where he's currently living"

That got my attention "do enlighten me more" I said clearly not in the mood for any reading "he's full name is William Sherlock Holmes and he's living in London at 221B Baker Street. He is living with his so called best friend and his name is John Watson. An ex army doctor. Meanwhile Sherlock Holmes is a..." she trail off obviously didn't know how to explain it "a what Sarah?" I ask getting inpatient.

"he's a consulting detective" she finally said "a consulting detective?" I ask to make a confirmation "yes, it says that the police will consult to him if they can't solve any issues from the crime" I listen at her every words.

"and where does he get his money from? Does the police pay him?" I ask then Sarah say "he didn't get paid but sometimes Sherlock Holmes got some clients to solve their problems to you can read it in John Watson blog I already sent it in your email" I look at my laptop to make sure of it "ok, about the payment? How he can survive without the police pay him?" I ask again.

"Well, he came from a wealthy family, got a big brother to his name is Mycroft Holmes" that cause me to laugh "Mycroft? His name is Mycroft? I will call him Microsoft instead of Mycroft" I still laughing when Sarah continue "he's a powerful British Government" and that shut me up.

"really? You're telling me now I just laughed at his name. His freaking name" Sarah let out a soft chuckle "sorry lady Marissa, I just couldn't help it. It's been a while since I've seen you laughing" she said the fact about me.

She's not wrong but I've been like this since my grandparents deaths but I don't have time to mourn not now or later. It's in the past suddenly Sarah speak again "and by the way this Sherlock Holmes happened to be a high functioning sociopath" Well that got me raising my eyebrow at her like what girl?

"a high functioning sociopath? A freaking sociopath? Really?" I ask three times because I just couldn't believe it my mummy fell for some sociopath? No wander he left her and me. Obviously why. I couldn't believe it. I just couldn't and yet here we are.

"is that all Sarah?" I ask not in the mood for more information "yes, that's all" she confirms it "Alright let's go to London and observe him" I said suddenly causing her to ask me a question "what? Why?" I look at her after I putting my coat on.

"because he's my father and I have some surprise for him" I said bluntly like it's a usual thing to say "your father? So that's why you've been asking me to search information about this man?" she ask "yup, why you don't want to come?"

"yeah, I want but how about the business?" she ask "don't need to worry Jerry will be handling that, right Jerry" I call out Jerry as he's still cleaning the bookshelf "yes, lady Marissa, enjoy your journey" he said.

"I'm sure will, let's go Sarah pack your stuff we're going to Baker Street" I said going to my room as Sarah going her room obviously to pack some clothes and stuff. If you're asking where we'll be leaving we'll me and Sarah will leave as closer as it can with Sherlock and it will be the apartment beneath him 221C apartment. Can't wait for this to happen.

Hey lovely, thank you for reaching and everything I'm quite tired to type it and please comment how you feel about this book. I really appreciate it. Love you all♥️

Love - mia❤️

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