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"Alright, how about one hundred thousand" Sherlock state he's just messing with her besides no kids will have that kind of money even John look at him as he's like a crazy person want a crazy thing when he already crazy himself "Alright" Marissa said that took both Sherlock and John of guard and looking at her like if their eyes can express emotions it might already explode.

"one hundred thousand right?, I'll make that happen. Don't worry" she said make a note in her note book then put it back in her purse "do we have a deal?" she ask Sherlock and John look at her in disbelief well mostly John Sherlock just show her his expressionless face.

"Sherlock?" Marissa in other hands knowing that Sherlock really needs money that's why she planned this weeks ago "yes.... We have a deal" Sherlock finally said regaining his self back. "lovely!" Marissa said stand up "now if you have any crime to solve just call me I'm your neighbour downstairs. See you both later!"

She said waving at them and gesture Sarah to follow her to and both Sarah and Marissa was out of sight of both Sherlock and John. But suddenly John speak "what just happened? Why did you just asked a kid to pay you for one thousand pounds?" he ask Sherlock he seems mad but at the same time amused because the fact that that kid was actually rich.

"well, at first I do thought that she's might be in a rich family but since she's just a kid I underestimated her" Sherlock said making John to raise an eyebrow at him "wait, what else did u deducted about her?" he ask want to know the whole story to.

"Well, one thing for sure she's 15 seems smart by the way she sits, seems calm and collected and by the price I just stated she's rich, and for some reason there's something in her that's so familiar but I don't what it is" he stated John look at him surprise for the first time Sherlock seems to have a hard time thinking and it's just over some mere kid.

"well, that's a first where you don't know something" John said Sherlock didn't reply and he knows that he's in his mind palace so he decided to mind his own business for now, he wander what kind of journey he, Sherlock and Marissa a will be in will Sarah come to? She looks like she care about Marissa quite a lot actually. John thought to himself then went to continue with his blog.

A week passed nothing interesting happened just a normal crime like killing with so easy for Sherlock to solve so nothing to talk now and even Greg actually didn't agree to bring Marissa in any sort of crimes but when he heard that she wants to be a detective so he let go of it and it's still boring for Sherlock now doesn't it? But it will change soon someone will take care of everything to keep Sherlock entertain with crimes.

Another week had passed it's just a normal boring day for Sherlock but this time Marissa at Sherlock's apartment. Sherlock is shooting at his wall using his gun at the yellow smiley face then look at Marissa "why are you here?" he finally ask "Well, the water in my apartment is leaking so I get someone to repair it for a while hope you don't mind me sitting here for a the moment" she said as she's sipping at her tea she loves tea.

Sherlock look at her more longer than he should then he look away suddenly Sherlock break the silent "say, why u never told us ur last name?" that makes Marissa to stop from enjoying her tea "why you ask?" she ask looking up at him with his still holding the gun in his hand aiming at the yellow smiley face on the wall "why u're not answering me? Usually a person will just answer that question. Unless you have something to hide. Is that true?" he deducted making money Marissa look at the tea on her hands rather than looking at him.

"You're practically right, I am hiding something tho I don't have any 'not so good intentions' beside I'm a kid. What can a mere kid do? Am I right?" she said taking another sip of her tea "yes, you're right. A mere kid couldn't do anything but you... U're something else, does it?" he questioned "I don't know. Maybe, maybe not." she said making Sherlock look at her with confusion obviously couldn't read her like he used to to anyone is irritating him.

"if u really don't have any 'bad intentions' why don't you tell me the reason you're against telling me about it?" he reasoning really want to know her more "it's because I love secret" she pointed out" making Sherlock raise an eyebrow at her "secret? Really? Why is that?" he asked making Marissa smirk "why don't u think it urself hmm? Or is the Great Sherlock Holmes is out of his smartness in his brain?" she provoked making Sherlock glare at her "are you implying that I'm stupid?" he asked clearly irritated by her behaviour "oh please, now you can't even know what I'm implying. How stupid can you be hmm? Sherlock?" she provoked him again she likes that.

"fine, I won't ask anything. I'll deduct you myself until I know everything about you and I'm sure you'll be begging for forgiveness" he stated quite angry "sure, try then I would like to see you struggling" she provoked again letting out a soft chuckles obviously enjoying this more than she should. She can't help it being his daughter which means also inherited his behaviour but she's glad she's still quite polite unlike that person.

Hi guys! Sorry for being late. I know I shouldn't do that but I can't help it my schedule is tight every day and as a student boy I don't think I can consistently publish this fanfic. But I'll try. Just be patient and please support me I really appreciate it. ❤️😘🙏

Love - Mia🌹

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11 ⏰

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