3 - Green Fish

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'Wtf why was she tortured??? You could've shot her in the head or poisoned her why slowly????' She frowned even more.

'Ah shit I seriously can't remember anything from the novel.... I've real like thousands of stories. I CANT REMEMBER EACH ONE. Hah It was probably boring.' She kept thinking while she sat in her bed

'Hayst, it's not my fault I have Short-term memory.'

She was interrupted by the sudden opening of her door. A maid entered her room with what seemed like food.

Sephina raised her eyebrow at the thought of someone entering without knocking.

'Noble or not that is rude. Are manners not invented yet?'

"Here's your meal, My Lady." The maid said while she rolled her eyes.

Sephina remembered the negligence of the whole dukedom from her memories.
'It's truly not surprising that she's gone now.' She frowned

"Eat it all, My Lady. Don't waste a single grain" The maid said as she put a bowl of rice in front of me with fish that seemed rotten.

'This is what you feed noble ladies??'

'I should deal with this' Sephina sighed.

"Hey, What's your name?" She said before the maid opened the door to leave.

"My name is Gin, My Lady"

She stood from her bed "Come here, Gin." Gin walked towards Sephina.

'Let me teach you something, my dear Gin'

"Gin, Who is my personal servant?"

"Me, My Lady."

"Who am I?"

"You are the Eldest Daughter of Duke Coreidae, My Lady."

"And who are you, Gin?"

"I am your humble servant, My Lady."

"Now, could you explain to me, my personal servant; Why you dare treat me so rudely and order me around?" Sephina asked.

Gin's eyes widened.

"Kneel." She calmly said

"My Lady, I-'

"I said kneel, Gin." She coldly said.

Gin quickly kneeled and bowed with a shocked expression.

"What did I do, My Lady?"

"Are you mocking me, Gin?" She glared at the maid.

"My Lady-"

"You, a mere servant, entered the room of the master you are serving without knocking and you ordered me around."

"I apologize, My lady" Gin said, obviously not taking Sephona seriously.

"You've been disrespectful to me for so long, dear Gin. I have only listed the things you have done today. If I mention all your negligence as my personal servant, we wouldn't be done even after our deaths." She smiled.

"Have you heard, Gin? About the servant of my dearest eldest brother, who was tortured and killed by beheading after she forgot to deliver his meals?"

'Goodness, people in this generation are brutal. Getting killed will be so easy.'

Sephina held the Gin's chin and raised Gin's head with a bright smile "Tell me, my dear Gin. How many times have you forgotten to deliver my meal? I can't seem to remember, since it happens so often."

Gin's careless expression turned into fear. She tried to reassure herself 'No, she doesn't have the power to torture me.' She thought.

"Oh I bet you think I don't have enough power to do that." She chuckled "Since that's what you've been thinking for years, Am I right?"

"Listen, my dear Gin. I could get you killed for no reason if wanted to." She said as she caressed the maid's face.
"You have such a fair skin, Gin. It would be such a waste of cuteness."

She trembled in fear as the maid realized the situation she's in.

"I am dee-deeply sorry, My Lady. Pl-please have mercy. I swear t-to never do such t-things. I will ser-serve you with my utmost respect a-and ability. S-so.... pl-please spare me, m-my lady.." The maid begged, almost sobbing.

"Ah right, one more thing. Who chooses my food?" She asked while pointing at the almost green fish with a bowl of rice.

"Avan the chef, My Lady" She said while still trembling.

"I'll forgive you after this. Take this food back to the kitchen and make sure to deliver my message properly. Chefs are easily replaced in this society and people are beheaded due to food poisoning. I want a proper meal with extra desserts. I will bathe so prepare that before you go to the kitchen."

"Yes, My Lady" She quickly stood to prepare her master's bath.

'Ah my fother once told me. A scolding or a threat is scarier with a smiling person than an angry screaming one.'


"Your bath is ready, My Lady." Gin said with a bow.

The difference with her attitude now was very clear.

Sephina walked toward her bath. She stopped after she noticed Gin following her.

"Why are you following me, Gin?" She asked.

"To bathe you, My Lady" Gin said calmly.

Sephina was surprised "Oh you don't have to. I'll bathe myself so go make sure a proper meal is prepared before I finish bathing." She said while shooing Gin

"But My Lady-"

"It's an order, you are dismissed."

"Alright, my lady. I shall take my leave." shewalked towards the door after bowing.

She touched the water with the tips of her fingers before actually bathing.

"Ah.. How calming.." She said as she relaxed.

'Hah I should start thinking about what I'm gonna do now.'

'I wanna be killed but not with torture. Why was she tortured anyway???'

'Oh right... It was the obsessed fan of the crown prince.'


'A psychopath in a completely different level'

'I don't even think he's that handsome. I only remembered his name. Sephina has Short-term memory too, I can't even remember his hair color'

'Ah.. Should I request an annulment'

'I'll just subtly do stuff that will get me killed by myself.'


I actually rewrote the 3 chapters. Changed the Name a little too.

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