Chapter 11

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     Stay tuned for more updates cos I'm gonna finally wrap up this fanfic😂
        "Wait, what happened?," Sophie asked, bolting up with a start, grimacing when she hit her head against the rough bark of the panakes.
"Well, you pulled a Foster and overexerted yourself again and ended up unconscious," Keefe said, and she turned around to see him sit down beside her. 
"I did it to save us all," Sophie hissed.
"Yeah well, I think you should be getting more rest," Keefe said, tilting Sophie's head such that it rested perfectly in the crook between his neck and shoulder.
"But there's still so much more I need to do! Like...helping you figure out your powers, arranging a training session with the group, find a way to stop Gisela..." Sophie insisted.
"Well, while you were conked out, I already figured out a solution to the problems you mentioned," Keefe said, giving his trademark smirk.
"Wait, even the problem of your mom?," Sophie asked.
"Actually, I found an ultimatum tied around the panakes while you were asleep; but don't worry I'll explain later," he said, ignoring the look of concern Sophie flashed his way.
"And the group is coming over in a few hours later for a discussion; I've already arranged it. Don't you see? We're a team, Foster. We've got to work together. Or this is actual permission for you to order me around and let me do all your work for you," he added.
"And now, for the moment I'm sure you've been waiting for: a demonstration of my powers!" he finished with a smirk.
"After Elysian transferred some of her power to me, I feel that something's changed. Before, it was always struggling to control and pull from the well inside me. But I feel like I'm no longer going against the current, it flows through me now," he explained.
He pointed at a gnome wandering by. "Dance!," he commanded, and it did a silly little tap dance before giving an elaborate bow. Sophie giggled.
"And that is going to help you stop your mom how?," she asked.
"Well, according to the Ultimatum I mentioned earlier, she said and I quote, 'Bring me my son or I will wage war against the entire of the lost cities. Use the crystal and meet me there by sundown. My army and I will be waiting'."
"I bet she doesn't know that I can probably override her control, and if you hand me over and I pretend to follow her commands, we can catch her unaware and get her to spill her plans", he continued.
"Yeah you don't agree, I know. But everyone's coming over to discuss this right about now..." he said, just as the councillors, the black swan, and all of Sophie's friends glittered into existence before them.
"Good to see you are feeling better, Miss Foster. We don't have much time left before the time Gisela indicated, so let's cut straight to the heart of the matter. Us councillors have come to a consensus," Councillor Emery announced.
"Even if we hand her Mr Sencen, there is no guarantee Gisela won't wage war on the lost cities with the amount of power she now holds. And it is time we councillors fought back for our people, to lead by example," he said.
"We'll refuse to hand her Mr Sencen but somehow let her think she has won and let her capture him, while we issue a threat that we will fight back. He will then communicate with Ms Foster through her telepathy and give her intel on her plans. During the fight, we can only hope to Mr Sencen's abilities are enough to drop her guard and we can remove the control on the trolls and ogres to disperse her army. There may be a chance he might not succeed in breaking her commands, but it is a gamble we'll have to take," Mr Forkle added.
"Wait, you already agreed to this?," Sophie asked, turning to Keefe. "Well, it's my turn to take one for the team," he shrugged nonchalantly, but when she met his eyes, she saw there was fear in them too.
Sophie clung tightly to Keefe's hand as the entire group prepared to make the leap at sundown.
"You've got to be careful. Anything your mom does could be a trap." she said.
"What if this is the last time I ever see you?" she whispered.
"Listen, Foster. We almost lost each other once because of me. But I won't lose you again," he said with conviction, putting his hands on her shoulders. And then, he pulled her into the light.

"I'm glad you could make it, son. After all, this is my final attempt to make sure you fulfil to legacy I planned for you," Gisela sneered as they leaped onto the perimeter.
"Well, I'd hate to disappoint you again, but do I look like I'm just going to let you take me?," Keefe smirked.
"Get them," Gisela said simply, touching her earpiece. All at once, Sophie's gaze was drawn to the enormous army of thousands of ogres and trolls surrounding them, their weapons raised is a defensive position. Upon her command, the piece attached behind their necks lit up and their pupils flashed a bright emerald green and they charged.
Sophie and her friends fought in response, Tam and Rayni sending bolts of shadow and light in attempts to slow the trolls and ogres down, while Linh and Marella threw their spheres of water and fire. Sophie tried to inflict on the trolls and ogres, but there was no effect.
"Don't bother trying, Sophie. You see, that little chip there behind their necks? It surrenders their control to me, and makes them immune to your inflicting. Don't you see? I've already won," Gisela taunted as Sophie and her friends were backed into a corner, surrounded.
Sophie's eyes widened in horror as a particularly familiar figure stepped towards her, ready to strike. "Sandor?," she gasped. "What have you done?," she asked in horror.
"Well, given how much promise your bodyguard has shown, I've decided to make him the leader of my army. Even with all your councillors' talks, they've never managed to unite the different species together like I've done now, with trolls, ogres and even a goblin fighting on the same side. My side," she said.
"And soon, you elves will join them if you don't give me what I want," she warned.
"That's enough, mom. I'll go with you; willingly this time as long as you let my friends go," Keefe interrupted, standing out of their group.
"That's my son; I can always count on you to make foolish sacrifices," Gisela laughed, and Keefe caught Sophie's eye just one last time as if offering a final reassurance before stepping towards his mother and they all vanished into the light.
-Keefe's POV-
It's so dark in here. And surprisingly, mommy dearest hadn't even tried anything once she leaped me into this dank cave. Didn't exactly smell the best, too. I tried to get a glimpse of the area as I was led to my 'room', but all I remember seeing was a training arena where there were ogres and trolls sparring against each other, their eyes flaring an emerald green. I tried to locate the control headquarters on my way to my 'room', but mom was far too careful not to allow me to glimpse anything too important. She didn't trust me, after all.
"Finally finished. You know, taking charge is such an exhausting feat. And does anyone ever appreciate me for it?," she complained, finally entering my quarters. "But this army will be yours to command once I'm done with you," she said.
"Now first things first. You are to obey my orders and not communicate with anyone of any sort and spill anything you know, and you are to use your power when I command you to to follow my wishes," she said. I felt a strange sensation pass through me, and I felt the power slipping out of my grasp and bending to her words, but I fought for control and tugged for it back discreetly.
"Now, let's test that shall we?," Mother smiled sweetly but for a hint of menace.
I could feel my power still within my grasp, but it was a struggle to keep it binded to me. I heard it whispering my mother's demands, and this time I stopped resisting, letting it take over me. All at once, I felt my power extending such that I could sense every single guard in the lair, and their every move was within my control. I made them parade through the door, power tingling from my fingertips.
"You see? You have so much potential, Keefe. I knew you'd make an excellent commander someday, as long as you listen to me."
"To long for power—for control; it runs in Sencen blood," she proclaimed. But she was right. Upon opening my sensations to such a tantalising thrill of power, she made me realise that I had a longing, a feral desire for it that I struggled to control. Not only did I feel power coursing through my veins, I also felt pure fear. Was this really meant to be my legacy?
"And now, if you need further persuasion," my mother said softly, whispering a command too soft for me to hear, and I felt a strange sensation washing over me as a long-buried memory revealed itself.

"What do you see?," a voice called out, whom I recognised to be a younger version of my mother. She was standing before an elf, to my assumption a descryer.
"I see...a fragmented world. Torn apart by different sides, all struggling to gain an upper hand. This world has never been just glitter and sparkles, but it is deviating further and further; with such power we all hold which will only grow with generations, it will become more and more broken," the raspy voice replied.
"I see you as the leader of a rising rebellion, the unitor of the different species. Such power you will hold, but there is another I see with great potential. Your son will be your guide," she continued.
"I have but one clue. Look for elysian, for it will be the key for your son—-and your power," she whispered.
The memory cut to another scene, where I recognised a figure to be a young version of myself deathly pale on the bed, a bottle that glowed with what I inherently knew to be Elysian's power at its corner. "You have to pull through, my son," my mother said, dabbing at my forehead with a sponge cloth. "You are meant for such great things, I know it. I just want us a better future," she whispered. The memory then abruptly faded and cut to black.
"Don't you see? I just want us a better future," my mother said now, in the present. "I'll be back shortly," she said, before closing the door, leaving me to my thoughts, feeling more conflicted and confused than I ever had before.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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