Chapter three

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As we drove, Jake loosened his tie and shrugged off his jacket, his laughter filling the car. Emma, sitting beside him, couldn't contain her excitement. She leaned forward, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Hey, Lila, you should change into something more fun for the party," Emma suggested, her voice brimming with excitement. "I brought an extra dress for you. It'll be so much fun!"

I hesitated, glancing at the dress she held out to me. It was tiny, barely covering anything, and definitely not my style. But Emma was looking at me with such hopeful eyes, I couldn't bring myself to refuse her.

"Um, sure, I guess," I mumbled, taking the dress from her. It felt wrong in my hands, the fabric too flimsy, too revealing. But Emma was already urging me to hurry, excitement practically radiating off her.

"Come on, Lila, hurry up! It'll be so much fun, I promise!" she exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.

Reluctantly, I ducked into the backseat of the car, trying to ignore the nervous flutter in my stomach. I quickly changed into the tiny dress, feeling exposed and uncomfortable. But when I stepped out of the car, Emma's face lit up with delight.

"You look amazing, Lila!" she exclaimed, clasping her hands together in excitement. "Now we're ready to party!"

I forced a smile, trying to ignore the uncomfortable feeling of the dress clinging to my skin. Emma was so happy, and I didn't want to ruin her night. So I plastered on a smile and followed her lead, trying to push down the nagging feeling of unease in the pit of my stomach.

As we arrived at Ryan's house and stepped out of the car, the sounds of music and laughter filled the air. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for whatever the night might bring. With Emma by my side, I knew I could handle anything.

But then, Emma disappeared into the house for a moment and emerged wearing a dress that left little to the imagination. The sight of her, so confident and alluring, made my cheeks flush and my heart race. I licked my lips nervously, trying to ignore the sudden rush that surged through me, she was mesmerizing. But Emma was already pulling me inside, her laughter ringing in my ears as the night unfolded before us.

As the night progressed, we found ourselves swept up in the energy of the party. We danced together, played games, and sang along to the music, the laughter and joy contagious. For a while, it felt like nothing else mattered but the moment, and I allowed myself to forget about everything else.

But as the night wore on, I began to feel a nagging sense of unease creeping back in. I excused myself to go to the bathroom, hoping a moment alone would calm my racing thoughts.

As I made my way through the crowded house, I couldn't shake the feeling of jealousy that gnawed at my insides. I tried to push it away, reminding myself that Emma was my friend, and I should be happy for her. But the sight of her and Jake together, their lips locked in a passionate kiss, sent a surge of envy coursing through me.

Feeling suddenly overwhelmed, I ducked into one of the bedrooms and closed the door behind me, the sounds of the party muffled by the thick walls. I sank down onto the bed, burying my face in my hands as tears threatened to spill over.

Why did it have to be Jake? Why couldn't it be me?

I knew I shouldn't feel this way. Emma was my best friend, and I should be happy for her happiness. But in that moment, all I could feel was the ache of longing and the bitter sting of jealousy.

Minutes passed in silence, the weight of my emotions pressing down on me like a leaden blanket. And then, suddenly, the door creaked open, and Emma slipped into the room, her eyes searching mine.

"Lila?" she whispered, her voice soft with concern. "Are you okay?"

I couldn't bring myself to look at her, ashamed of my own feelings. "I'm fine," I muttered, wiping away the tears that streaked my cheeks. "Just needed a moment alone."

Emma didn't say anything, but I could feel her presence beside me, warm and comforting. We sat together in silence, the weight of our unspoken words hanging heavy in the air.

As we sat in the quiet of the bedroom, Emma shifted uncomfortably beside me, clearly searching for the right words to say. "Lila, I... I just want you to know that... that you mean everything to me," she began, her voice hesitant as she stumbled over her words. "And... and if you ever need anything, I'll always be here for you. Always."

But before she could continue, I gently placed a finger over her lips, silencing her. "Shh, Emma," I whispered, my heart pounding in my chest. "You don't need to say anything. You're perfect just the way you are."

And then, without thinking, I leaned in slowly, my heart pounding in my chest, and pressed my lips to hers. It was like fireworks exploding in my chest, the sensation so incredible it felt like the best thing to ever happen to me. Nothing could ever go wrong in that moment.

But as quickly as it had begun, Emma pulled away, her eyes wide with surprise as she looked at me in a way she never had before. And in that moment, all my fears came rushing back. She hated it. She hated me.

"I... I'm sorry," I stammered, my voice trembling with embarrassment. "I didn't mean to... I'm just drunk, Emma. I didn't mean anything by it."

Before she could respond, I scrambled to my feet, my cheeks burning with humiliation. "I should go," I muttered, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'll see you at home."

And with that, I pushed through the crowd, my heart heavy with shame and regret, and ran outside into the pouring rain. Tears streamed down my face as I turned to walk home, the weight of my emotions pressing down on me like a heavy cloak.

But just as I reached the edge of the yard, something grabbed my hand and spun me around. And then, before I could even comprehend what was happening, warmth flooded my body as Emma kissed me in the most magical way possible.

When she finally pulled away, she looked at me with such tenderness and affection that I couldn't help but smile through my tears. "I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the sound of the rain. "I didn't mean for you to think I didn't like it. I was just taking it all in."

Before I could respond, Jake came running outside, concern etched on his face. "You're going to catch a chill," he exclaimed, his voice filled with worry.

As we stood outside in the pouring rain, Emma's touch still lingering on my lips, Jake quickly shrugged off his jacket and draped it over Emma's shoulders, his touch warm and comforting. "Come on, let's get you inside," he said, taking Emma's hand and leading her back into the house.

I watched them disappear into the warm glow of the party, my heart fluttering with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty. But as I stood there alone in the rain, a sense of peace washed over me. I knew that no matter what happened, I had taken a chance, and that was enough for now.

With a smile on my lips and a skip in my step, I turned and began to walk home, the rain washing away my doubts and fears. And as I made my way through the quiet streets, I couldn't help but feel a sense of hope stirring within me, she liked me, after all this time, she like me.

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