Medkit and Subspace won't stop PHIGHTING!

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Summary: Medkit and Subspace get into a fight because.. you know.. kids... (and definitely not epic foreshadowing)

Medkit is in the playroom, playing doctor with any toys he can find, with Vinestaff being his assistant, a nurse. Medkit is in immense concentration as of the moment, as he is currently performing surgery on a teddy bear. Vinestaff prepares his tools needed.

"Hand me the tweezers." Medkit orders.

Vinestaff quickly dashes to the tray of tools, until she finds out that the tools placed there are... GONE! dun dun dunnnn

She looks around the room hastily, she'd swore she just saw them there!

"Vinestaff! The tweezers!" He turns his head to her, only to find out what the problem is.

"What!?" He exclaims, although, he knows exactly who the culprit is.

He stomps away, approaching another pink individual.


The mad scientist cranes his head to look at him. "Ah! Meddy! What brings you here!!" He smiles, acting innocent.

"You stole my tweezers, you already told me that you were finished using them!"

"And?" He raises a brow.

"What do you mean and??" His eyebrows furrow.

"I didn't say I wasn't gonna use them again!"

Medkit groans. "Give it back!" He makes an attempt to grab it from Subspace's hand, Subspace quickly shoves him away.

"No!! It's mine!!" Subspace tugs back at his grip, and they get into a fight.

Push and shove, push and shove, it makes a huge ruckus that the other kids come in the room to find out what's going on, while Vinestaff and Sword tries to stop the fight.

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" The other children cheer.

They take some hits back and forth, some missing because of Vine and Sword reflecting them. But Subspace suddenly jabs his right fist into Medkit's left eye, leaving a horrible bruise on his face.

Medkit screams and cries in pain, Ban Hammer hears this and hurriedly makes his way to the playroom.

"WHAT HAPPENED!?" He shouts as he runs to Medkit upon seeing that brutal dark purple bruise on his left eye.

"Subspace and Medkit had a fight, and it was lit." Scythe proudly comments.

Ban face palms and grabs Medkit's arm to take him to the nursery room, glaring at Subspace angrily before he leaves, making him know that he's in trouble. BIG trouble.

Subspace blows raspberries at Medkit, trying to hide his injury.


"I'm not involved in this!" Vinestaff mentions.


"So, you little rascals had a fight?" Ban Hammer questions, placing both his arms on the table.

It looks like a detention room, a single table with 3 chairs for each of them.

Medkit, who now has an eyepatch, nods discreetly. Subspace crosses his arm, pouting.

Ban Hammer makes a loud sigh. "What did I tell you last time? If you need to figure something out, violence is NEVER the answer. Who started it this time?" Ban Hammer raises a brow.

The two kids point at eachother at the same time. Medkit turns to Subspace, offended.

"He stole the tweezers from me!"

"HE tried to steal MY tweezers!"

"And who started using violence?"

Subspace scowls. He looks away, crossing his arms again.

"Wasn't my fault he tried to grab it from me in the first place..." Subspace mumbled.

Ban Hammer sighs, again. "Tsk, tsk. What will I ever do with you guys? Can't you even TRY getting along? Even just for a day?"

"Well HE doesn't even TRY to COOPERATE!"
"Well HE doesn't even TRY to COOPERATE!"

They both exclaim at the same time, pointing at eachother.

"UGH! I'm sick of dealing with the two of you! Subspace, you'll be in timeout for one hour, Medkit, you'll stay there for 35 minutes."


The other two stare at him.


"Hmpf!" The pink one pouts.

Medkit and Subspace are placed in the corner of the playroom, this wasn't their first time out together, but it still felt as boring as usual. They were left with nothing else to do, they could continue fighting, but that would just lead them to even more trouble.

Subspace sits as far away from Medkit, and Medkit does the same. Medkit feels a bit bad for Subspace having gotten him an extended time in the time out corner, but why? He just beat him up earlier!

Medkit sits slightly closer to Subspace, and Subspace shoves himself even further away.

"Go away."


The two just sit in awkward silence.

"Why are you... Like this?" Medkit asks his angry rival.

"Why not!?"

Medkit rolls his eyes.


"...Does your.. eye still hurt..?"

"Only a bit, I guess.."


Subspace hugs his knees, and looks away. He mumbles.

"Huh?" Medkit looks at Subspace. "Could you speak louder?"

"m sr.."

"..I still can't hear you-"

"I'M SORRY OKAY?!" Subspace waves his hands in the air. "Jeez..."

Medkit was caught slightly off gaurd by his volume, but he understood what Subspace meant, and is a bit happy about it too.

"Sorry?? You never say sorry!" Medkit laughs, embarassing the hot-headed pinkie.

"Hush up before I take it back!" Subspace slightly shoves Medkit with his right elbow.

Medkit laughs a bit more before finally saying something. "Okay okay!" He says gleefully, with a few more chuckles and snorts here and there.

Subspace looks away, he felt like vomitting after saying those words. "You'll never hear those words from me again! Blegh!"

Ban Hammer overhears Medkit's cheerful laughs, he never laughs! He slightly leans over to check on the two.

Medkit and Subspace are seen somehow bonding, it felt really nice finally seeing the two being able to get along after years of them only quarrelling everytime they interact. Ban Hammer walks over to the corner they're in, giving them a stern stare.

The two kids stop laughing and look up to Ban Hammer.

"So, you two are finally softening up, huh? Well, that's a start. You're free to go now."

"Wait, our timeout's done already?" Subspace questions.

"Do you want it to be longer?"

"N-no! I can't stand another minute with this dummy!"

"Heyy!" Medkit puts his hands on his hips, knowing he's just teasing him.

After a heated arguement between the two kids, a new.. no, not friendship. But a new sort of bond has been established between them as they temporarily reconcile their differences.

And all it took was one bruised eye.


(1058 words)

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