MY FLOWERS! (Request!)

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Summary: Skateboard eats Vinestaff's most prized possession (her flowers)...

Skateboard is just going on about his day, skating around the daycare's outdoor play area. It's where he usually goes to instead if Ban Hammer was keeping a close eye on him after recently catching him roaming around Crossroads by himself, unattended.

As he was skating, he suddenly picks up a pleasant and nice aroma coming from somewhere around the area.

He stops his skateboard and gets a whiff of his surrounds, trying to find out where the smell was coming from. And he slowly makes his way over to wherever the the smell was stronger at.

After a few minutes of searching, he finds himself in a spot that isn't quite seen but still manages to get some sunlight in.

He looks down at his feet, finding a not very big, but beautiful flower sitting beneath him. He squats down to get a better look, and studies it.

This is his first ever time actually being able to see a flower up this close before, as he'd usually only see them outside of the daycare whenever he sneaks out with Slingshot. Although, he doesn't actually get to see them for more than a second due to how he's always speeding down town on his skateboard.

He scoots closer over to the plant, taking a good sniff of it, sighing deeply after. He was content.


Okay, maybe not 100% content.

He looks down at his stomach, loudly yearning for nourishment.

Figures, he hasn't ate that much for breakfast this morning.


He looks back up at the flower in front of him, drooling a bit and thinks for a moment.

"If something smells good, then it MUST be edible!" He remarks.

He wipes his mouth, grabbing the little plant.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Someone shrieks behind Skateboard.

"Mmfh??!-" Skatboard quickly turns his head.

Vinestaff is standing right behind him, dropping the watering can that was just firmly held between her hands.

He figured that it was her's, as no one else in the daycare had a a bigger love for plants as much as she did.

Ah crap.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" She shrieks a second time, with tears starting to form.

Skateboard mumbles hastily, trying to say something probably reassuring to her so she'd stop crying.

He spits out the flowers that were just inside his mouth, coated in his saliva.

Vinestaff stares at him, dumbfounded.

"EUGH- BLEGH!" Skateboard attempts to cough every last leaf and petal out. That did not taste very good.

He wipes the remaining leaves off his face, and quickly makes an attempt to dig the flower back into the soil. He didn't know what to say after that.

Vinestaff's astonished expression turns into a somewhat pissed and dirty look and gives him the 'You're gonna be in big trouble!' kind of face.

Oh jeez.


(475 words)

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