~Not my problem~

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<same day>

Felix: maybe sometimes people grow out of others

IN: not you and han, so did you fight?

Felix: no we didn't

hyunjin: Felix Minho wants to talk to you it's....important

Felix: important? okay IN we didn't fight we just distant

seungmin: fine you know han can't lie to us plus we haven't seen him in two weeks where the hell is he?

Felix: I don't know and kinda right now don't care "I say walking over to Minho"

Minho: it's about han

Felix: what dude why is everything about him?

minho: he won't leave his room I figured you know why?

felix: I don't and I dont care 

Minho: what?

Felix: not my problem he doesn't wanna talk to me he didn't want me over last time and I really am going to be late so bye " i say walking to my classroom"

<skip to the end of the day>

chan: Felix I need your help studying can you?

Felix: sure later tho I have to go pack and stuff

chan: for what?

Felix: going to Australia for a day for something 

chan: Australia? 

felix: yeah why is that a problem?

chan: wait your Australian?

felix: yeah why?

chan: OIE ME TOO MATE "he says laughing" 

felix: you are?

chan: yeah i'm from Sydney you?

Felix: me too 

chan: I get it I can kinda hear it in your voice a bit if you speak english

Felix: is that why hyunjin asked me that when I first moved in?

chan: maybe 

Felix: okay I gotta go but BYEEEEEE "I say running off to my car" 

seungmin: wait 

Felix: yes?

IN: come over we're having a sleepover

Felix: is han going to be there?

seungmin: nope he said he has something to do 

Felix: I guess 

<later when he goes over>

seungmin: okay so I asked hyunjin to buy us drinks again he said not to tell minho, chan or changbin 

IN: okay 

*knock on the door*

IN: I thought changbin was at chan's?

seungmin: he is "he says going towards the door"

felix: it better be hyunjin bro " I say rolling my eyes"

*door opens then closes*

han: hey you wanted me?

seungmin: yes get in here "he says yanking him inside then him and IN in step out and lock the door"

IN: talk whatever shit is going on out now dipshits "he says from the other side of the door"

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