~you bit your lip,were you looking at his ass?!~

4 0 0

<skip 4 weeks later>

felix's POV

" I have been sleeping with chan for the past few weeks because I feel left out now.no one told me seungmin likes changbin and no included me and that hurts to know that we have been best friends for years but they tell someone they just met this year before me. plus my dreams have been getting worse where I won't go to sleep all I have been doing is studying and when chan can't sleep we talk all night. right now I'm in chan's room sitting on his bed."

chan: Felix wanna go on a walk?

Felix: not really, you can't sleep can you?

chan: nope

Felix: okay lay your head on my chest and i'll rub your back and shit "I say putting my book down"

chan: thank you, and thanks for not telling anyone about my sleeping problem

felix: I would never it's not my place to say my Aussie brother "I say stroking his hair and rubbing his back lightly"

chan: can I ask you something, something personal?

Felix: sure?

chan: what are your nightmares about sometimes I hear you talking in the nightmare always saying "why can't you just accept me?" what happened?

Felix: I'll tell you since you helped me

chan: okay

Felix: when I was around 16 I told my parents I was gay and they are homophobic and they beat me,starve me,choke me. one day I was talking to a boy from school when we got home they almost killed me so I locked myself in my room. 10 minutes later they heard me packing and tired coming in my room but I jumped out the window and ran to ji-sung's house

chan: oh I'm sorry

Felix: it's fine

chan: you know I love you and that hurts to know you went through something like that

Felix: aww so cute "I say hugging him"

chan: I am your hyung so

*a door opens and then closes and we knew that was IN coming home*

chan: hide!

*I went inside the closet and closed the door rather loud*

IN: hi chan have you heard from Felix he hasn't been answering his phone and he hasn't went to his dorm?

chan: oh no I haven't sorry

IN: okay good night "he says kissing chan's cheek"

chan: night "he says as he watches IN walk out the room while biting his lip"

Felix: ewww you like innie?

chan: what?

Felix: you bit your lip, were you looking at his ass?!

chan: no I wasn't

Felix: sureeee "I say smirking"

chan: maybe i'll ask him out should I?

Felix: sure "I say getting back in the bed and he lays his head back on my lap"

chan: lixie why doesn't he like me anyway I'm hot,cute,smart, I love him"he says pouting and looking up at me"

Felix: love?

chan: as a friend but I like as more

Felix: just tell him hyung "I say stroking his hair slowly"

*the door opened with IN standing there*

IN: hyung?

Felix: oh shit! "I say getting up"

chan: IN why didn't you knock? "he says walking towards him"

IN: I came to get my face cream you took why is he here and why are ya'll cuddling?

felix: it's not what it looks like we were just talking

IN: so ya'll are dating "he says running out of the dorm"

felix: I'm so sorry hyung "I say looking at him"

chan: it's fine he'll come back

han's POV

"I was just sitting in bed and watching tiktoks when there was a bang at my door. I rushed to the door to see Minho already right there holding his hand gun he got. he opened it to see a IN at the door his eyes were red and puffy."

han: what the hell? IN what happened? "I say hugging him"

IN: f-felix h-hyung and ch-channie hyung cuddling "he says putting his face in my chest"

Minho: what?

han: oh my God Felix is so stupid and dumb and mean

Minho: I know I don't really like him but don't say that we don't even know what happened

IN: s-so lately I have been seeing Felix at my dorm every morning and he just said he was waiting for me. so we can leave but today I walked i-in chan's room right after I asked him if he saw Felix and he said no. when I went in there again chan's head was in Felix's lap and Felix was stroking his hair

han: can't he see that you like him? 

Minho: guys stop if Felix knew you liked him he wouldn't do that

han: shut up Minho I'm tired of Felix shit thinks he is the boss of us and can do what he wants and hurts our feelings just because has "some trauma". he didn't even go through that much how dare he do that to IN when-

Felix: I see.....first i-i didn't k-know you liked him ya'll tell me NOTHING. second me and chan are friends I felt left out when no one told me seungmin liked changbin but somehow chan knew,Minho knew,hyunjin knew but goddamnit no one could tell me. han out of everyone I would expect you to have my back we have been friends forever but Minho knows when we don't even like each other he knows I would never hurt guys. i-i don't even wanna do this anymore "he says walking out and running down the stairs" 

minho: see han you messed up Felix is a nice person I can see that if he loves you he won't hurt you. but you just hurt him and trauma is different for everyone what he went through is no joke. even tho I don't know what he went through I know it was bad


how was your week babes? 

favorites song by NEW JEANS?



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