~Are you Australian?~

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Felix's POV

" Today was the day I moved into my dorm i'm glad I got into college most of all I'm glad I skipped some grades. I'm scared to meet my roommate I kinda hope I don't get one if I do I want it to be han my best friend.I walked to the door and got out my key unlocked the door when I did I walked in and took off my shoes then took a look around the room." 

hyunjin: dude can you kinda move? 

*I move out the way and walk to the living room*

hyunjin: I'm hyunjin you?

*I just looked at him then took my stuff to my room* 

hyunjin: hello dude I said I'm hyunjin what's your name? 

felix: ugh Felix

hyunjin: are you Korea?

felix: yes half

hyunjin: are you Australian by any chance?

Felix: yeah why?

hyunjin: whoa nothing bye 

Felix: sure

" I walk to my room and sit all my stuff on the bed and sit down that's when I got a call from han ji-sung. The person I love the most, we have been friends since 3rd grade and I have always felt a little something for him but I got over it because we talked about it. I picked up my phone and answered it with a smile." 

*in call* 

han: lixieee my roommate is a meanie

Felix: what happened did he hurt you?

han: no he threw my suitcase in the room 

Felix: I'm coming okay?

han: okay

*ends call* 

" I got up and grabbed my sweater and walked to the door I slipped my shoes on and walked out. Luckily Han's room is 2 minutes away from mine so it didn't take long for me to get there. When I did I heard yelling I banged on the door till I tall looking dude opened it. I looked past him and saw han crying I pushed him out the way and made my way to han." 

Felix: shhh it's okay

Minho: what are you here for? "he says with a ugly face"

Felix: you think you have a right to yell at him " I say with my cold face like always" 

Minho: he was in the way dude

Felix: I'm in your way too, yell at me 

han: lixie I wanna go with you 

Felix: mhm let's go you can spend the night with me Kay?

han: okay "he says wiping his eyes" 

Felix: go get your night outfit and one for tomorrow

han: okay " he says walking away"

Felix: do that again and I swear I'll kill you 

Minho: you? kill me? you're not even half my size dude

Felix: I have my ways

han: done lixie

"I grab his hand and we walk out he starts talking about how mean his new room mate is and how much he hates him. I just hold his and laugh from how much he talks about him for. we get to my dorm and I unlock the door then walk in we take off our shoes and walk to my room."

Felix: wanna shower?

han: *nods*

Felix: I'll make you some dinner while you shower okay?

han: thank you I love you

felix: I love you too little one " I say walking out of the room"

" Even tho he is older than me I treat him like he is the youngest he has been this way since we were kids. So soft and kind-hearted  we're only a day apart he has the heart of an old person or a little kid so nice and loves everyone he hates yelling and hates being yelled at. I started making some ramen for him and me till hyunjin came and sat down."   

Felix: what are you doing?

hyunjin: about to eat what you made

Felix: I didn't make any for you

hyunjin: why are there two bowls then?

Felix: I don't know

han: done lixie

Felix: here eat " I say handing him his food and looking at him smiling*

hyunjin: who's he?

Felix: a friend 

han: lixie I'm not that hungry anymore you can have it

Felix: eat

han: but-

Felix: eat

han: fine "he says putting food in his mouth"

hyunjin: ohhh I get it he's your boyfriend

felix: dude leave

hyunjin: no this is my dorm too

Felix: sungie you wanna go to my room?

han: *nods*

" I take him to my room,I let him eat first then i start eating after he's done. I finish eating then I got up to take the bowls back to the kitchen. I walked into the room with han and laid in bed with him and wrapped my arms around him."

han: thank you Felix

Felix: for what?

han: helping me all the time I really appreciate it

felix: i'll always be there for you, now rest

han: but-

felix: i will later just sleep

han: okay

*the next day* 


how was your GUYS DAYYYYY!!??

favorite song by TXT???



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