~I'll kiss you if you don't sleep ~

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<same day>

hyunjin's POV

"I noticed yeah because he's my best friend and I knew what he thought when he was helping IN. now he's going to beat himself up for think something so evil but at the same time wish it would happen.changbin is hopeless with love everyone he dated used him and I feel like he feels seungmin doesn't want him for some reason."

hyunjin: changbin?

changbin: yeah?

hyunjin: it's okay I swear "I say sitting next to him"

changbin: I don't know why I thought that it just popped in my head I don't want him to die hyunjin I swear I don't 

hyunjin: I know and if I liked someone so much I would probably think that to

changbin: this is gonna hurt I already know 

hyunjin: what if he does like you?

changbin: he wouldn't 

*I hear people coming into the living room and singing so I just jumped on changbin and kissed his head and cheeks then it fell silent.*

chan: ew


hyunjin: dude what?

felix: dude that's nasty 

seungmin: everyone go 

IN: huh?

seungmin: now "he says opening the door"

hyunjin: bye seungmin

seungmin: get out"he slams the door and locks it" 

 felix: what's wrong with him?

IN: I don't know "knocks on the door"

seungmin's POV

"I slang the door open and yelled without knowing who it was and when I was done yelling I saw IN looking sad like he was about to cry. I felt like breaking down at that sight and tried to hug him but he said no and walked away."

felix: dude what is wrong with you?

seungmin: I didn't mean to 

hyunjin: that's not right seungmin "he says smirking"

seungmin: bitch 

hyunjin: what I do?

seungmin: I'll call him felix

Felix: you better

han: yeah he's just a kid min look at him 

 seungmin: I'm sorry "I say with my head down"

Felix: call him we're gone bye 

"everyone leaves then I go in the dorm and go to my bed and falls right in the middle thinking about what I said to him even tho he should know it's not true at all. there was a knock at my door and I said come in changbin just sat on my bed."

changbin: are you okay?

seungmin: yeah I'm fine 

changbin: they can come back over if you like?

seungmin: I'll call IN later 

changbin: are ya'll dating?

seungmin: no

changbin: mhm i'm head to the store want any snacks?

seungmin: ice cream?

changbin: okay 

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