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-Chapter Eight-Not Friends

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-Chapter Eight-
Not Friends

ALEX LAYED ON his hospital bed after getting fixed up with his injuries, his mind still thinking about Tara. Like he felt bad and wanted to apologize with her but she just completely ignored him and saying she doesn't want to talk with him anymore.

But luckily her sister Sam always understand how he feels, sometimes she just went to his hospital room and comfort him when he needed. Also Alex is also felt happy that Peyton and Connor both survived and made it out of surgery, Chad and Mindy also survived.

But there's also one thing, Sidney went back to her home and Gale left, went to New York. The boy misses the womans so much and already apologized to them about what happened a few weeks ago.

Chase now did the same thing like Tara to Alex, keeping distance from each other and doesn't talk much even though they're childhood best friends. Yet the Riley boy doesn't forgave his friend on what he did, it hurt Alex alot.

Thinking there was a chance but no, there's nothing. Now he thinks that he lost two friends now, Alex scoffed and looked around the room when there's something that caught Alex's attention.

The door slowly opened and Sam's head peaked. "Hey, Alex. You feeling okay?" She asked with a soft tone.

"Yeah i'm fine." He paused. "What about Tara, is she okay?"

"She's fine. But she's also not in the mood to talk with you. . . Sorry."

"I get it, don't worry. But can you at least take me to her?"

Sam nodded and walked towards Alex's bed, reaching her hand out and helped him. Then they arrived at Tara's room, Alex quickly let out a sigh and closed his eyes. "What if she hates me forever?"

"Don't say that, Alex. She loves you very much but she's too shy to tell." Alex was touched by those words that Sam just said, but he just nodded and then the older Carpenter gave him a quick smile and tapping his shoulder. "Good luck."

She walked away, Alex knocked on the door gently. Well he usually don't do that, because Tara used to don't mind Alex walking in to her room but now Alex knows that maybe she hates him and doesn't wanna talk to him. "Come in." a weak tone came from inside of the room.

Alex slowly opened the door, seeing the Carpenter girl there with her arm crossed as she was like hugging herself. She turned her head noticing Alex but then quickly looked away and spoke. "What are you doing here?" she said, avoiding the eye contact as Alex step closer.

"I just want to say. . . I'm sorry for everything. It's that i—"

"You lied to me, i trusted you." Those words that came out from Tara's mouth made Alex felt guilty as he noticed tears streaming down from the girl eyes to her cheek.

"I was just trying to protect you—"

"Protecting me? That's what you think?" She paused. "Did you think that was protecting me? You almost let our friend got killed."

"I know, Tara. Please, just let me explain."

"There's no need explanation, you can leave now."

"But Tara. . ."

"I said Leave." Tara sniffled, raising her voice at him. Alex doesn't want to cause an argument between them so he just walked away, grabbing the knob of the door and looked down as he sighed. Tara's right, this was all his fault if he could just tell them about it, this wouldn't have happen.

As the boy walked out of the room, quickly wiped his tears away then meet up with Sam and Parker. Parker seemed okay now because he looks like it, Alex went up to them. "Hey, Sam, Parker. I'm sorry again for all of this."

"No need to sorry, bud. Well we all survived and killed the murders." Parker said, giving Alex a slight smile even though he knows about Alex knowing Amber was Ghostface. "So, how's with Tara?"

"She hates me now."

"Oh it's okay, she just need some alone time. You know?"

Alex nodded, agreeing the man. As he quickly wrapped his arm around him for comfort, Alex froze on the sudden hug and immidietly hugged him back. "We're gonna be okay, yeah?"

"Okay, you two stay here and I'm gonna inform out friend that were moving." Sam said as the two boys pulled away from the hug, Alex looking at her with a confuse expression.

"Wait all of us? To where?"

"New York, I figures that place is safe for us and you know we can finally have a happy life there." Sam replied, leaving the two of them in the hall.

"Alright buddy, lets get packed." Parker gently ruffling his hair, Alex chuckled.

He still think that something might happen when they got to new York but what could possibly gone wrong? Well Tara and Chase hates him now and won't even talk to him. So what's gonna be his happy ending, or is this the bad ending for Alex?

We will see again after the group of friends went to a different place and lived their lifes happy again or so they thought. . .

Ash Speaks !

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Ash Speaks !





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