11||Happiest Days?

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(The next day)
Tanjiro wakes up to the pain in his leg. "Why did I have to get shot" Tanjiro whines while holding his leg, he then starts to grab the crutches that are right next to him and starts getting of the bed with the help of the crutches.
   'Now what should I do today?'  He then remembers he should eat something so he starts moving (with the help of the crutches) to the door, he was about to open the door when it was flung open by somebody else, and that somebody else was...... MITSURIIII.
    "TANJIRO I HEARD WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU OK!!!" Mitsuri screams with worry while hugging Tanjiro super tight "I-I'm ok now, and can you stop please you're crushing me" Tanjiro said in a polite tone. She stops hugging him, making Tanjiro realize that there was a dude with black hair and different colored eyes behind her with a jealous expression.

  "Come on mitsuri, we should get going now." The dude with two toned colored eyes says. "Aww ok, but congratulations Tanjiro." Mitsuri says giving him one last hug before leaving with the different colored eyes dude.

  "Congratulations? Congratulations for what?" Tanjiro said out loud in an obviously confused tone, "right I still need to go eat some food." Tanjiro says because his stomach had grumbled.

  He then starts to leave the room slowly (because he isn't used to walking with crutches) and starts going straight to the kitchen, he doesn't see a lot of chefs in the kitchen but he decides to just grab a random item out the fridge so he doesn't be a burden to the chefs there.

(After he finished eating)
'Now what else is there to do?' Tanjiro questions himself in his head not noticing a figure walking up to him. "Hey Tanjiro!" Muichiro says in an excited tone. "Oh hey muichiro, I have a question." -Tanjiro
"Sure what is it??"-muichiro
"Why does everybody keep telling me 'congratulations'?"-Tanjiro
(The chefs that were in the the kitchen said congrats, as well as the guards Lol)
"Well remember when I first met you and how I wanted to marry you?" -muichiro said
"Yeah..."- Tanjiro said, remembering how muichiro just declared him his 'fiancé' and just kinda forced him to this palace.
"Well the marriage is finally gonna be happening!" -muichiro says obviously happy
"W-WHATT?" - Tanjiro says, blushing suer hard.
"Yep and tomorrow you're gonna get fitted for your dress!" - muichiro says, before Tanjiro could say anything else he gives a quick peck to his lips and leaves, leaving Tanjiro in a flustered state.

"IM GONNA BE GETTING MARRIED.....AHHHHHHH, IM NOT PREPARED FOR THIS!!" Tanjiro screams out making the chefs and the nearby guards look at him. 'I probably look crazy right now' Tanjiro says as he realized that they were looking at him.

He starts to get off the seat (with the help of his crutches again) and starts walking out of the kitchen. While he walks out the kitchen he sees somebody he has never seen before.

"That's strange, have I seen them before? Or are they a new worker?" Tanjiro accidentally says out loud which causes the short and messy black haired dude with blue eyes look at him, all of a sudden the dude starts walking up to him and bows, which makes Tanjiro kinda flustered because nobody really bows to him.

"U-uhm who are you, and you don't have to bow!" Tanjiro says quickly with a nervous voice. "Oh, the names kaigaku and I'm assigned to be your personal butler." The person named kaigaku says.

"Oh well my name is Tanjiro, nice to meet you!" Tanjiro says, not realizing the threat in front of him, after a few hours of talking with kaigaku, muichiro goes to where they both are at (forgot to say they are in front of the entrance of the living room) "uhhm Tanjiro we need to talk." Muichiro says trying to get Tanjiro away from kaigaku as he has a bad feeling of him.

(Btw muichiro lets giyuu find new maids and chefs and etc when he can't find any because giyuu is more better at finding people without being intimidating)

When they are out of earshot, muichiro starts to tell Tanjiro about how he has a bad feeling about kaigaku. "Come on muichiro, don't be like that, you shouldn't had hired him if you felt like that" Tanjiro says confused on why he is "always" hating on anybody he talks to.

"Actually I let giyuu hire people most of the times and I don't want to fire him without no reason, and if I fire him for no reason giyuu will get upset." Muichiro says.

Tanjiro just sighs and turns away and starts walking (with the help of his crutches), which causes muichiro to get angry but he tries to calm down and reminds himself that he is trying to have the happiest days of his life.

After zenitsu "passed out" the two strange duo he hasn't seen before just left because they thought he was dead. (The reason why they thought he was dead was because he held his breath and they didn't see him breathing.)
After they left zenitsu got up and cleaned the blood angrily. "Don't worry Tanjiro I will get you back and next time.......i won't go easy and nice on you." Zenitsu says in anger.

After thinking of different ways to get Tanjiro back he finally decided on the option to text his smarter brother for help.

(Conversation with kaigaku)

Zenitsu:hey kaigaku

Kaigaku:what do you want from me?

Zenitsu:you remember Tanjiro?

Kaigaku:yeah, what about him?

Zenitsu:well remember how
I said I was gonna do my plan today, well it
Failed and muichiro kinda took him back
So I need your help.

Kaigaku:what will I get out of it?

Zenitsu:idk maybe we can gangbang Tanjiro?

Kaigaku:OK! I'm in.

Zenitsu: ok I will tell you the plan when you get back.


(End of conversation)

(End of aftermath)

When tanjiro was walking away, he actually walked back to the old room he used to have.
'I'm 100% sleeping here tonight I guess' Tanjiro thinks, he then sighs and goes inside the bathroom, "now how am I gonna bathe?" Tanjiro asks himself "I'm gonna help you of course" muichiro says behind him which scares him.

(After muichiro finished helping Tanjiro bathe and put his clothes on AND NO SMUT THIS CHAPTER!!)

"Thank you" Tanjiro says genuinely happy, "your welcome" muichiro says , he goes towards Tanjiro who's on the bed and kisses him, which makes Tanjiro flustered again. Muichiro then gently pushes Tanjiro on the bed and goes on top of him, he then puts his mouth on tanjiro's and starts making out with him.

Muichiro then stops making out with Tanjiro.
*huff* *huff* Tanjiro inhales and exhales very hard while his face is super red. "Goodnight Tanjiro!" Muichiro says with a smirk on his face, Tanjiro then says goodnight back and muichiro FINALLY leaves his room.

After a while Tanjiro goes to sleep, dreaming of something that his "innocent" mind was not supposed to know.
(1224 words without this sentence/paragraph, sorry if the ending seems too rushed and my friend gave me some ideas lol and I'm sorry for any mistakes I made and y'all don't always have to be nice😭 like I'm being, if you see I made any mistakes in my writing then just tell me and I will fix it and so I can improve in my writing better and thank you to everybody who still stayed even though I still kinda think this story is cringey! Anyways goodbye have a good night/day!!)

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