Episode One

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"Argh!" I screamed, not loud enough to cause an alarm though

Jake was at it again, with someone else, it seemed he was doing it on purpose this time, cause I could feel how excited he was

The pain ceased for sometime, and I sat up right

Just as I was about to stand up and go look for him, another wave of pain hit me again and I fell to the ground

Hot tears rolled down my cheeks as I remembered the day  I found out Jake was my mate

I was overjoyed,and so was he. He loved me so much and treated me with utmost care and respect

Not until, I couldn't birth him an heir, we tried all possible ways, visited all the powerful witches but all was in vain

The thought of how nice he treated me then and now got me crying harder, he had changed a lot

He goes sleeping around with different women,.making me suffer the consequences

A fresh wave of pain hit me again, and then I had it all. I was done being a wife and Luna to the people, while a punching bag and trash to my very own mate, I was done suffering for someone who didn't care

I Made up my mind to leave, and as soon as the pain ceased, I began packing my belongings


Before I could open the door, it flung open to reveal Jake

"Cursed witch, where are you headed with all these" he asked gesturing at my stuff

"For the last time Jake, I am not a witch, neither am I cursed" I said , defending myself from the nickname he gave to me

"Oh shut up! Like you'd ever admit it"

"That aside, you know what I just found out?"

"What?" I asked, looking at him confusedly

"I found out, that you bewitched me bitch, you were never my mate, and that's why, you can't conceive a baby" he sounded so cold that tears ran down my cheeks

How could he of all people say such a thing

"Jake! What is wrong with you? How dare you say such a thing to me? I am not even a witch, how could I...." He didn't let me finish. I wanted to slap him real hard, but it would only amount to me being injured and that was the last thing I wanted to happen

"You mustn't be one before you can bewitch me, they are your friends aren't they?" He said, sternly, maintaining eye contact with me

All I did was sigh in frustration, I didn't know what to say to him, even if I wanted to say something

"Well, I would be leaving, you'll be free now from whatever 'spell' I casted upon you" I announced, making sure to stress out the word 'spell'.

"Hm! So that explains this?" He scoffed, wearing a blank expression on his face, like I didn't just say I was leaving for good. I had never felt so worthless in my life as I did that moment

"It's getting very late...." He was saying, but I cut in, did he really think anything he said right now could stop me from leaving?

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine, and also know that no matter what you say or do, can not stop me from leaving " I said, and then grabbed my suitcase

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