Episode Four

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Immediately I got into the bar, a very strong, but nice smell enveloped the surrounding

That was a sign, "Mate" my mate should be somewhere in here, finally, after so many years of waiting and searching, and enduring humiliations from my brother, I found her

I was so happy, and eagerly followed the scent, but my smile soon turned into a frown when I saw a drunk and dejected lady

Yes, she was beautiful, but I would have loved to see her in a better state

"Hey!" I called out as soon as I was close enough, but I got no response

She was completely wasted

I lifted her up and took her home with me

Though I had the urge to mark and make her mine as fast as possible, I couldn't as she isn't even aware of what's going on

I took her to the room reserved for my mother,  and with the help of my neighbor, Cindy, she was cleaned up

In my bedroom, I couldn't sleep, the mate bond was really strong and I lost control of myself

Soon, I was in the bedroom, lying next to her

I couldn't help but admire all her perfect beautiful features

"Hey! Who...who are you?" She asked with her eyes still closed, while her hands weakingly pushed me off her

"Sshh! Don't worry! I won't hurt you" I replied, and tilted my head to her neck, and placed kisses down to her cleavage


I was woken up by the ray of sun reflecting into my eyes through the curtain

I rolled my body rightwards, only to meet the body of a lady

"Shit! What did I do?" At the realization of what I had done, I dashed out of the room

My heart was filled with guilt and I was completely embarrassed by my actions

I freshened up as fast as possible and left the house

I couldn't face the lady if she eventually wakes up and found me in the house


"Hello!" The voice of a lady made me open my eyes

"H..." I was about to respond when I looked around my surroundings, I couldn't remember coming into this room

"Where am I? How did I get in here?" I asked but the lady just left without saying a word

"What was the need of saying 'hello' " I complained, and moved to get up when I realized I was stark naked

I saw male clothing shredded on the floor, then I realized what had happened

"Jake! Jake!" I screamed, with tears rolling down my cheeks

He was the cause of this

My heart swelled with hate and anger when I thought of it

I was so embarrassed that I stood up to get dressed and leave only to find out that my dress was shredded too

I searched through the closet and luck was on my side that day, I found something to put on

On my way out, I saw a portrait of a guy and his mum

"I guess you're the pervert"  Out of anger, pain and hatred, I smashed it into pieces, then left

I cried my eyes out, as I walked down the street, my scent was well hidden, so no one suspected that I was a rogue, I had no idea where I was headed or what to expect but I knew I wanted to go far away from that vicinity, is that how they behaved here? Picking a random drunk lady, instead of helping her, you decide to have sex with her. Who raised such a bastard?

"Hello!" Someone said behind me, and I snapped out of my thoughts

"Hi" I responded, wiping off my tears with the back of my palm

"Umm.... sorry do you know...." She was asking, but I didn't want to waste her time or that of mine

"Sorry, I don't....I don't know where that is" I said in hitches

"I told you all, she isn't one of us, she is a rogue" the lady shouted

And all of a sudden, I was surrounded by some guards

I didn't bother to run, because even if I did, it was useless as they would definitely catch up with me

"How comes we didn't smell her?" One of the guards asked

"She must be a witch then, disguised as a rogue" the lady said

'Why does everyone keep accusing me of been a witch' I asked subconsciously, then sighed in surrenderness, whatever they wished to do with me, was their business, I no longer cared

I was tired of everything, and wondered how I managed to escape death so many times

' 'I wish I had died. Or  Maybe Jake was right' I muttered

"Don't you dare try to recite any incantation or spell" A voice said behind me, my head had being bent downwards the whole time, so I had no idea where they were taking me

"What is going on here?" A familiar voice resonated and I quickly  raised my head to that direction

He was  Robert Gonzales, The Alpha of The Dark Heart Pack, and Jake's best friend, Wrong place, Wrong hands at all times, but at this point, I couldn't care less

How did I not recognize the environment anyway? I didn't have the luxury of time to ponder on that

"We found a witch disguised as a rogue" the lady said, I guess she was a leader of some sort of group

He was shocked to see me and so was Ciara

"Leave her be" he ordered and they let go off their grip on me

He went inside his Chambers and after few minutes, he came back

"How do you all wish we prosecute her?" He asked

I guess he went to inform Jake about my presence, and he must have told him to eliminate me

"We think it's better you behead and burn her into ashes, right?" The lady asked the crowd, which I didn't notice was very much

"Yes!" They all screamed

"Alright, so shall...." He couldn't complete his statement, as his Luna, Ciara excused herself and pushed him in again

Few minutes later, they both came out and Robert declared for my freedom

"She isn't a disguised witch, my Luna here, claims that she is a good friend of hers, and will cause no harm to us, so I hereby declare her a member of our pack" he said, and there was a long silence in the crowd

"But Alpha..." The lady was about to say but he cut her off

"You're all dismissed" he said and left

Gradually, the crowd disappeared

"The Luna keeps claiming to know every rogue been caught, I hope she doesn't let the enemy be free in here some day" a teenage girl said, giving me an irritated look

"She's pretty though, why did she become a rogue? She is so unfortunate" Her friend responded, and they walked past me, continuing their talks, which I wasn't interested in

Soon, there was nobody there but me, and Ciara

"Come, I'll get you something to eat while you freshen up" she said with her hands outstretched

With that, I now owe my life to her

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