Chapter 8 - I Found You~

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Chapter 8

"I found you! Ha, Mattie get down here I found her?" You stare at Alfred from your hiding space under the kitchen counter. You were curled up next to the pots and pans, being as small as you were, this was one of your better hiding spaces.

"Wow, Y/N, you really gave us a scare this time." Alfred said reaching out towards you, you flinch back giving out a small sniff to try and hide your tears.

"Crying again you little baby?" Alfred teases; you sniff again shaking your head rapidly. Alfred smiles patting you on the head before pulling you out of your hiding place. Trying to carry you, you end up curled up with your head in Matthew's lap on the couch.

"You're not alone Y/N. Just because Mom and Dad haven't been around that much doesn't mean you have to shut us out. Besides, we'll be going on a cruise with them and Arthur soon." Matthew says patting you on the head.

"Yeah, don't you worry Y/N, the hero will save you!"

"And the Maple Leaf."

"Dude, that is so lame." Alfred replies to Matthew's weird comment.

"Hey." Matthew says in his quiet voice as you get comfortable for another fight between brothers.

You relax, and then you're falling away from that memory.

"You can't, you can't do that! Are you crazy?" Alfred is shaking you now, his eyes wide open. Matthew is watching quietly from a distance.

"But I can do it, I want to help you." You snap, the words coming out of your mouth. Your brother's eyes just get wider. His glasses only magnifying his fear.

"What if you die? You know what will happen to Mattie and I?"

"What if you die?!" You screech back. Alfred stares at you blankly searching for the right words.

"We care more about your well-being than ours-"

"Stop being so selfish, I care about you just about as much as you care about me! And if-if I just stay here, watching you go to war against the Axis without being able to assist you... If you die then I'll be haunted by the fact I could have done something! Let me be the damn hero for once Alfred!" You yell back, tears starting to flow down your face.

You realize that Alfred is crying to, and Matthew was far away so you couldn't hear his pained sniffles.

"One year." Alfred says. You look up at him hastily wiping your tears away.

"I'll give you one year, you'll leave after Christmas. But after one year you're coming back."

"Yeah..." Is all you can say, a small smile on your face as you nod your head with determination. Alfred wraps you into a hug, and you bury your face into his chest hugging him back.

"You do know the only reason I play the hero is because I don't want anyone else to take that burden." Alfred continues, crying into your hair. You didn't mind.

"I know. I'm going to help you though. I'm going to help everyone."

You can feel Matthew patting you lightly on the back as this memory ends as well.




"Y/N, mein Gott, Y/N." You open your eyes blurrily to see a pair of baby blue eyes hovering over you.

"Ludwig." You mutter quietly, the man takes in your voice before enveloping you in a hug. The hug ends too soon as Ludwig props you against the wall and immediately starts scolding you.

"Don't you know how to scream for help? I was so close, I would have heard you."

"What happened? Where did they go?" You ask, eyes tiredly looking around the alley. No one was in sight. But you do notice the gun tucked into Ludwig's waist.

"I scared them off, but that isn't what matters. What matters is that you almost died."

"They didn't do anything to me." You mutter quietly leaning back suddenly tired, Ludwig gives you a shocked look.

"You have some serious cuts on your arm, your dress is torn, and you're bruised. Tell me in what world that is okay?!"

"Someone needs to catch them before they hurt someone else... " You continue quietly.

"Y/N, are you paying any attention to me?! Gilbert went to take care of that, but think about you for once."

You make a motion for him to get closer and he does, reaching forward you wrap your good arm around him pulling him in for another hug. His sturdy arms wrap around your waist.

"Thank you." You cry out, as tears start to fall and stain his shirt. "Thank you. Thank you." You repeat over and over burying your face in to his chest.

"No, thank you for being alive. I should have come sooner."

"At least you came." You say, pulling away from the hug to give Ludwig a kiss on the cheek. His face takes on a light blush and you shake slightly with laughter. You flinch as it hurts. But everything causes pain, so just suck it up and go with it.

He quickly gives you a kiss on the top of your head, then pulling you straight back into a hug. Your small bouts of laughter shaking through him.

"Women are confusing." He mutters. This causes you to laugh a little harder.

"So are men, especially you." You snicker back. And much to your surprise Ludwig laughs softly along with you.

You wanted to rest and just stay in his arms.

Maybe forever.

If that was even possible.

Eagle and Dove; Germany x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now