Chapter 16 - The Rising Sun

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Chapter 16

You woke again with a jolt; you really needed to stop falling asleep in the middle of things.

Actually, you needed to stop having weird dreams.

"Y/N. Would you like to put the star on the top of the tree?"

"Wha?" you ask rubbing your eyes as you let out a soft yawn. Ludwig hazily came into view and you smiled slightly. The Christmas tree was alight in the background; the only thing it was missing was the star currently in Ludwig's hand.

"You feel asleep; you always seem to fall asleep."

"Yeah, and I have really weird dreams too," you reply, standing up and taking the star.

"Finally, the awesome Gilbert couldn't wait forever."

"Well you did," you reply to Gilbert, sticking out your tongue. He was sitting suspiciously on top the bar counter. But you weren't going to ask questions right now.

Walking up to the tree you realize how tall it is, looking around for a stool you can't find one but Gilbert's smile gets bigger.

"Well West, help out your friend."

You see Ludwig roll his eyes, but he leans down and makes a movement for you to get on his back.

Reluctantly you climb on, he moves upward and now you're the perfect height to reach the top of tree.

"Move forward a bit," you say after you realize your arm isn't long enough. He moves forward carefully and you slip the star into place on the tree.

You're about to tell Ludwig that he could set you down now when Gilbert's loud laughter is drawn to your attention.

"What?" you snap, Gilbert just laughs harder.


"I hope you choke," Ludwig mutters sarcastically. Gilbert looks up pretending to wipe away a fake tear.

"You feel right into my trap! This is revenge for earlier," Gilbert snickers as he points to something above us.

Looking up, a small bushel of a plant with pointy, green leaves and round, red berries hung above you.

Gilbert was still cackling when you realized what it was.


Before Ludwig could react, you use your right hand to tilt his head to the left, giving him a small kiss on the edge of his mouth.

Ludwig moved as if wanting more, but with a swift movement you were out of his grasp and on your way over to Gilbert to beat the shit out of him.

Yeah, today was great.




Once again, you had no idea why you were up early in the morning walking around with Gilbert and Ludwig.

Like seriously, the sun hadn't even risen yet.

Taking a sip from the coffee mug in your hands and pulling the cloak-that Gilbert had kindly let you keep-tighter around you, you continued to follow the two German men wherever they were going.

"Hey, Y/N, now that I've been thinking about it for some time the awesome me thinks that you should join our family. That way I can make fun of Ludwig for dating a sibling."

You have a 'What the heck?' expression on your face as you just stare at the German who currently decided to rest his arm on your head.

"You woke me up," you say slowly, your bad attitude starting to sink in, "so you could treat me to a deluxe serving of BS?!"

Eagle and Dove; Germany x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now