Chapter 6

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The common room was quiet- it was already very late, and last students scrambled away quickly as soon as Tom's knights took their spots on sofas. He himself sat with his back to the fireplace, so he could observe the entire room, while Norma was leaning on him, dozing off. She had been tired entire day but managed to keep herself alert up to this point- just the day before they had to leave Los Angeles for London, she had been in a recording studio, singing for most of the night. Both Tom and her mother disapproved, albeit for different reasons: Priscilla thought that recording musical covers for commercials and movies (not even her own album!), was pointless and a waste of time, while Tom didn't like how tiring and time consuming it was- Norma managed to finish recording only because Priscilla gave her some potion to smooth her voice. But he could never take such joy away from Norma, Tom decided. Especially after he had spent a huge chunk of time listening to Norma ramble excitedly about the deal she struck with Columbia Records.

The boys were talking about their holidays, both to Tom and between themselves, sensing that he wasn't listening very attentively, mulling over his plans in his head instead. His knights didn't bring much news from the summer, but he didn't expect them to. He, however, felt somewhat stuck in his quest to make horcruxes- he had already decided to find the relics of founders of Hogwarts and give them eternal life. Those magical vessels will be worthy of honor to guard his soul. The task of obtaining them, however, was daunting. 

Norma stirred in his arms, and Tom pulled her closer. It felt strangely assuring to have her so close on his side, to feel her warmth. Her body was soft, and he took the chance to press his fingers deeper into her waist where he held her. They sunk into her flesh just as he expected them to. Tom felt warm, unusually so. The first time he had felt such warmth in his abdomen was about a week prior: he was having breakfast and chatting with John, when Norma returned from her morning run. Her cheeks were flushed and sweat glistened on her forehead. She was panting heavily and smiled at him.

"Good morning, Tom. John," she said and walked out of the dining room, while Tom watched her behind, barely clad in shortest shorts he had ever seen. He was unsure if those could even be called "shorts". Tom could proudly claim that never before he had distracted himself with such thoughts. Of course, he knew what older students would get up to in dark corridors, or what Miss Cole strictly admonished girls in the orphanage against. And of course, he knew that girls found him attractive. But he never paid any of them any attention. Except that day. Image of Norma didn't leave his mind despite his best efforts, and that night he took advantage of thick walls of that mansion. Mildly disgusted, confused and annoyed with himself, later that same night he swore to himself to never let such thoughts invade his head again. Up until now, feeling Norma so warm and soft next to him, her sweet perfume and her limp body molded so perfectly into his-

Tom shook his head hastly and nudged Norma gently with his shoulder.

"Hey- hey...," he said and Norma blinked up at him, sleep-dazed. "I think it's time for you to go to bed."

Norma slowly nodded and stood up.

"Goodnight everyone," she mumbled and several scattered "night" came from the group. Tom watched carefully until Norma reached girls' dormitory with unsteady gait, ready to cushion her fall if needed.

The next morning Norma wasn't in the great hall for breakfast, and Tom only met her just before the Transfiguration class.

"Didn't see you at breakfast," he said, sliding into a seat next to her.

"Yeah, I chose to sleep in, I was very tired," Norma replied.

"Be careful. It's not good for you to pull all-nighters," Tom murmured, sliding his palm down Norma's back. Norma smirked and arched her back.

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