Chapter 7

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TW: discussion of SA  throughout the chapter, but not graphic

Norma was filing her nails into sharp points. Tom didn't like her long nails, he thought they didn't suit Norma's character and looked out of place, but "if Norma liked them, then she should do whatever she wants"- he decided.

"I hate long nails," Norma mumbled to no one in particular. "They make it very difficult to play guitar. Or any instrument, really. But mom says I must keep them long for the movies. I don't understand why filmmakers want that, it doesn't really matter, does it? No one pays that much attention to nails when watching a movie."

Tom debated what to say. Norma seemed very irritated in the past weeks, and often her frustration turned to tears, and he couldn't bear the sight of her crying.

"That is what being an actress entails," he said somewhat dumbly and watched Norma's shoulders slump. Wrong thing to say.

"I know," she replied flatly, not looking away from her nails.

Tom decided to change the topic.

"I haven't seen you at breakfast again today," he said.

"Yeah, I overslept," Norma replied nonchalantly.

Tom furrowed his brow.

"We can go to the kitchens, it's still quite some time before lunch."

"I just had candy in my dorm," said Norma, still studying her nails, "and yes yes, it's bad for me, I know. Whatever."

Tom felt himself grow annoyed by Norma's carefree attitude and her answers sounded... odd, for the lack of better word.

"You need to watch your health, Norma, especially when you're under such stress-"

Norma didn't let him finish.

"For fucks sake, stop pestering me!" she yelled and jumped from the couch, grabbing her wand, and stomping to her dorm, leaving Tom utterly confused. His confusion only grew, and worry began gnawing at him insistently, because Norma refused to even say a word to him for the rest of the day. She had never been cross with him before, and the issue seemed way too minuscule to cause a conflict.

Way too soon for his liking arrived time for another session of movie shooting. That day Norma left irritated, and Tom could swear he saw her hands tremble as she jammed her belongings in a suitcase. He wanted to ask why she was so tense but couldn't bring himself to disturb her- Norma didn't talk about the movie anymore, she barely spoke to anyone at all, opting to catch up with her schoolwork in the library or learn music or script in the common room, still being in Tom's vicinity, but unreachable at the same time. Eventually, even his knights began commenting "women", "just emotional, don't worry my Lord". Tom ignored them. He felt abandoned and knew he should feel angry as well, but he didn't- instead he was worried and, dare he admit to himself, afraid. He could feel Norma wasn't well. He knew that every time he looked at her. And he had no idea how to find what was bothering her.

If Tom thought that Norma was in a bad mood when leaving for the shooting, then there were no words for her temper when she came back: Norma returned absolutely livid. On outside she was collected, but he could tell a tornado of emotions swirling in her eyes. She arrived on Sunday afternoon- Tom was trying to casually chat with his knights when the doors to the common room opened, followed by aggressive clicking of heels. He barely had time to turn around and find Norma before she strode past the couches to the dorm, threw her suitcase into the room and all but flew out of the common room again, without giving anyone a single glance, only pushing through clenched teeth "I have to clear my head".

The Golden Age of Hollywood . Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now