Chapter Four

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The city slept beneath a blanket of darkness as I navigated the empty streets, my senses on high alert. Every nerve in my body thrummed with anticipation, my heart pounding in rhythm with the hum of the engine as I drove towards my destination.

Dominic's estate loomed in the distance, a sprawling mansion shrouded in shadows. It was a fortress, a symbol of his power and influence in the criminal underworld. But tonight, it would become his prison.

I pulled to a stop outside the gates, my hands steady on the wheel as I surveyed the scene before me. Security cameras scanned the perimeter, guards patrolled the grounds, but I was undeterred. I had faced worse than this in my time, and I was not about to let a few obstacles stand in my way.

With a silent determination, I slipped out of the car and approached the gates, my footsteps silent on the pavement. My heart raced with adrenaline as I reached into my pocket, retrieving a set of lockpicks with practiced ease.

The lock clicked open under my touch, the gates swinging open with a soft creak. I slipped inside, my senses sharp and alert as I made my way towards the mansion.

The night was still, the only sound the soft rustle of leaves in the breeze. But beneath the surface calm, I could sense the tension in the air, the knowledge that danger lurked around every corner.

But I was ready. Ready to confront Dominic, to make him pay for what he had tried to do. And as I crept closer to the mansion, my resolve hardened with every step.

Tonight, justice would be served. And Dominic Moretti would learn that no one crosses Vivian Clarke and lives to tell the tale. For better or worse, I was committed to seeing this through—to protecting my family at any cost.

Heart pounding, I moved stealthily through the silent corridors of Dominic's mansion. Each step was deliberate, each breath measured as I navigated the darkness, my senses attuned to every sound and shadow.

Room by room, I searched, my movements quick and precise as I checked for any sign of life. But the mansion remained eerily still, its occupants sleeping soundly as I crept past their doors.

And then, finally, I reached the end of the hallway. There it was—the last room, the one that had to be Dominic's. I could feel it in my bones, a sense of certainty that pulsed through me like a heartbeat.

With a steady hand, I reached for the doorknob, my fingers closing around the cold metal as I eased the door open. The room was shrouded in darkness, the only light filtering in through the curtains drawn tight against the night.

Carefully, I stepped inside, my eyes scanning the dimly lit space for any sign of movement. But the room was empty, the air heavy with silence as I moved further into the darkness.

And then, suddenly, I saw him—a figure lying in the bed, his features obscured by the shadows. Dominic. He lay sleeping, unaware of the danger that lurked just beyond his door.

My heart raced with anticipation as I approached the bed, my footsteps soundless on the plush carpet. This was it—the moment I had been waiting for, the chance to confront Dominic and make him pay for what he had done.

With a steady hand, I reached for the knife strapped to my thigh, its weight familiar in my grasp. This was it. And as I stood over him, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, I knew that there was no turning back. Tonight, Dominic Rossi would face the consequences of his actions. And I would be the one to deliver them.

I stood in the darkness, gazing down at Dominic's sleeping form, a wave of unexpected emotion washed over me. I had seen pictures of him, read about him in files, but seeing him in person was different. He was handsome, undeniably so, with chiselled features and a strong jawline. The sheets just reached his waist, giving me view of his six pack.

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