Chapter Five

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In the dimly lit confines of my office, the weight of recent events hung heavy in the air. But despite the turmoil swirling within me, I remained focused, my attention fixed on the task at hand.

Seated across from me, Lorenzo lounged in his chair, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "So, I heard you had a guest last night," he said, his voice laced with amusement.

I nodded, my mind still reeling from the unexpected encounter with Vivian Clarke. "Yeah, it was a surprising one to say the least," I admitted, a hint of frustration creeping into my tone. "She came on her own, putting her life at risk."

Lorenzo's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Why'd you let her go?" he asked, his voice tinged with disbelief.

I shook my head, a frown furrowing my brow. "I don't know," I admitted, my confusion growing by the minute. "She seemed... confused, about what happened to Tony. It threw me off."

Lorenzo's smirk faded, replaced by a thoughtful expression. "You think she's telling the truth?" he asked, his voice serious.

I hesitated, the memory of Vivian's intense gaze lingering in my mind. "I don't know what to think anymore," I confessed, the uncertainty gnawing at me from within.

A gnawing sense of uncertainty settled over me. Vivian's unexpected visit had left me rattled, questioning everything I thought I knew. But deep down, I knew that if I wanted to uncover the truth, I would need to see her again.

"She's hiding something," I finally said, the words heavy with conviction. "And I intend to find out what it is."

Lorenzo's expression softened, his eyes reflecting a glimmer of understanding. "Be careful, Dom," he cautioned, his voice tinged with concern. "She's a wild card, and you know it."

I nodded, acknowledging his warning. "I know," I said, my voice firm. "But whatever she's hiding, I'm going to find out. And when I do, she'll have no choice but to tell me the truth."

With a sense of determination coursing through me, I rose from my seat, ready to face whatever lay ahead. Vivian Clarke may be a formidable opponent, but I was determined to uncover the secrets she was so desperately trying to conceal. And with that thought driving me forward, I strode out of my office, my mind already racing with plans for our next encounter.

I needed to get away from the mansion, so I make my way to the hospital to check up on my brother. As I sat by Tony's bedside, watching over him as he lay in his coma, a sense of profound loss washed over me. The steady beeping of the machines and the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest were the only signs of life in the room.

"Hey, Tony," I began, my voice barely above a whisper. "I know you can't hear me, but I need to talk to you."

I paused, gathering my thoughts as I searched for the right words to say. The truth was, I had never felt more lost than I did in that moment. Without Tony by my side, I felt adrift, untethered from the anchor that had always kept me grounded.

"I don't know what to do, Tony," I admitted, the words heavy with emotion. "I've always looked up to you, you know? You've always been the one I could turn to, no matter what. But now... now I feel like I'm drowning, and I don't know how to save myself."

A lump formed in my throat as I fought to hold back the tears threatening to spill over. Tony had always been the rock of our family, the one who held us together, he was the sensible one, he would always prevent Lorenzo and I from getting into trouble. And now, as he lay motionless before me, I couldn't help but feel the weight of his absence like a physical burden.

"I need you to wake up, Tony," I pleaded, my voice cracking with emotion. "I need you to be here with me, like you've always been. I can't do this without you."

But as the minutes stretched into hours, Tony remained unmoving, trapped in the silent prison of his coma. And as I sat by his bedside, my heart heavy with despair, I couldn't help but wonder if he would ever wake up again.

Standing outside the hospital, I lit a cigarette, the smoke filling my lungs and momentarily numbing the turmoil within me. The day was cool, and the distant hum of the city provided a stark contrast to the silence of Tony's hospital room. I exhaled slowly, watching the smoke dissipate into the air, my mind replaying the events of the past few days over and over.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, pulling me from my thoughts. I glanced at the screen and saw Mateo's name. With a flick of my wrist, I answered the call. "Mateo, what do you have for me?"

"Dominic," Mateo's voice came through the line, steady but with an undercurrent of urgency. "I went through all the footage, and I've got some news. It wasn't Vivian."

My breath hitched. "What do you mean it wasn't Vivian?"

"I've been digging into the cameras and other surveillance around the area where Tony was hit. Vivian Clarke wasn't behind the attack," Mateo explained. "And there's more. She was attacked the night before Tony's accident."

The weight of his words sank in, my mind struggling to process the information. "Are you sure?"

"Positive," Mateo confirmed. "I've got the footage to prove it. Someone is plotting against both of you, trying to pit you against each other."

A surge of anger coursed through me. "Who would do this? Who's trying to take us out?"

"We're still working on that," Mateo replied. "But it's clear someone wants to stir the pot, create chaos. They want you and Vivian at each other's throats."

I took a deep drag from my cigarette, the smoke burning my lungs as I tried to make sense of it all. If it wasn't Vivian, then who? And why?

"Keep digging, Mateo," I said, my voice hardening with resolve. "Find out who's behind this. I want names, and I want them fast."

"You got it, boss," Mateo responded before the line went dead.

I stood there, the cigarette forgotten between my fingers, my mind racing with the implications of what Mateo had uncovered. Someone was playing a dangerous game, and they had almost succeeded in turning me against Vivian.

As I flicked the cigarette to the ground and crushed it under my boot, a newfound determination settled over me. I needed to find out who was behind this and put an end to their schemes. But first, I had to face the one person who might have some answers—Vivian Clarke.

It was time to confront her again, not as an enemy, but as an ally against a common threat. The stakes were higher than ever, and there was no room for mistakes. I would put my differences aside for the sake of my family. I just hope, she will do the same.

"They will pay for doing this, fratello," I muttered, the words a vow and a promise.

With a final glance at the hospital, I turned and headed to my car. My mind was already formulating a plan. The person responsible would regret ever crossing me. But first, I needed to see Vivian. We had a lot to discuss, and time was running out.

I slipped into the driver's seat and started the engine, the roar of the car's motor echoing my determination. Whoever was behind this, they had made a grave mistake targeting my family. I would find them, and I would make sure they suffered for every moment of pain they had caused.

They would pay. They would all pay.

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