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"Please, both of you sit. Aizawa said he was running a bit behind due to students arguing in the common room. It got into a fight." Nezu spoke while pouring a steamy hot substance for Hawk.

I crossed my arms while walking to the window. The stars were illuminating the sky, the moon nowhere to be seen. I wish I was the moon right now.

"Is this meeting going to be short?" I muffled from the window. Their reflections all casting a shadow towards me.

"Depends when Aizawa decides its time to hurry up. We weren't expecting you until later." Midnight spoke lightly.

"I'm here. Sit down and lets get this started." Aizawa entered leaving me shaking slightly.

I moved away from the window toward an empty seat right beside Toshinori, across from Hawks.

"So, we were gathered for this meeting because Toshinori said he was worrying about you Y/n." Nezu spoke over his steamed beverage.

"What's to worry about?" I turned to Toshinori. "All's good."

He grunted as his skinny self turned towards me. "To be considered as you were being influenced to join a class?" So Aizawa had informed the pro's I wanted part of the regulations of the classrooms.

"I can assure you that's the least of my problems." I snorted but all the pro's just eyed me.

"Y/n, this is for your safety. It's not that we don't want you here. It's more about persistence and maintaining the faculty of training. Getting caught up is too late. Everyone is ahead of you-"

I stopped the Bubble girl from talking further.

"I understand all your needs for me. But I am capable of doing things on my own. I am caught up just for this year. The training with Hawk's has gone well." I look towards Hawk's for assistance.

"While you have been getting assistance for stamina and training. It defines to us that with all the training you have not yet tasked the one thing. Your quirk. This school is those who have quirks and can master them without causing danger. You have never used your quirk. It'd be impossible to obtain that skill in this environment. Especially, now so far ahead in your years you'd probably not know you have a quirk." Best Jeanist spoke up.

I catch Hawk in the corner of my eye sipping his drink making eye contact.

"If this is all then-" I scooted my chair outwards as I stood.

"Sit. We are not finished." Aizawa narrowed his eyes.

"We are. I understand I am not allowed to attend this school. If that's it.."

"Who's going to tell her?" Nezu asked holding his mug with both paws.

"Y/n. We are kicking you from even being apart of the Helping Hands program." Toshinori sighed.

"Ok, goodnight." I turned around only to see Aizawa standing in front of me. "I said we aren't finished."

"Why aren't we? We discussed everything." Aizawa slams the door shut.

"Hawks. What happened in that street? Last Tuesday night?" My heart stopped. The night I activated my quirk. If he knew that meant Mic told him.

I eye Hawk. "Want the short or long version?"

I shot him a dagger.

"I want the honest answer. Long, short. Give me an answer."

"That night she came in early. We started our training, took a fifteen minute break. Then we continued. After-" He was shushed Midnight.

"Hurry up with the story. We get it you trained. What else." She fiddled with her bracelets.

"She left. I was walking behind her watching for creeps. A couple of people tried to attack her and throw her in a van. Within a blink of an eye. They were dead. Like I didn't even have time to recoil back to the memory." He shook in his chair, like he had the shivers.

"Y/n. You kill those men?" Toshinori questioned before standing.

"I didn't.."

The dog police officers started to move towards me.

"She doesn't remember." Hawks said standing.

"Then you saw. Did she kill those men?" Nezu stood from his stool.

I looked down at my shaky hands.

"No, villains appeared out of nowhere and killed them. Protecting her was my duty, I failed. But the villains hadn't." His lie caught my lip to tremble.

The police officers stopped, taking a step back.

"I'll take her home." Aizawa spoke to the others.

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I. DARE. YOU. (Bakugo X Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now