Isn't My Affair Anymore (Dave York)

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Warning: Angst, mention of cheating and pending death.

Summary: After being part of Dave's team for four years, three of those years being romantically involved with him; you come to the realization that you want more, and that the relationship is over. Inspired by - Linda Davis' - He Isn't My Affair Anymore.


"Hey" Resnik nudges you in greeting as he takes a seat to you at the bar.

"Hey..." you flash him a strained smile in return.

"You ok?" Resnik frowns after immediately noticing the change in character.

"Peachy" you utter, lifting your drink in the air in mocked salute.

"You're sure 'bout that? 'Cause, you weren't at the meeting yesterday. Thought you were sick or something..."

"What meeting?" you frown at Resnik in confusion.

"The upcoming job in a few days? In Brussels?" a confused Resnik answers. "Didn't Dave fill you in?"

"Pfft, York and I aren't on speaking terms" you remark with an eyeroll, tossing the last of your drink back.

Resnik's jaw drops in disbelief at your words, "what...? But the two of you are practically joined at the hip."

You respond with a nonchalant shrug, signally the bartender for another drink.

I guess she's doing something right
I seldom see him out at night
Sure isn't like it used to be
Why should it mean a thing to me
What makes you think that I would even care
He isn't my affair

I haven't seen him for some time
But so what is that a crime
Well if I had to guess I'd say
It's been twelve nights to the day
I hope that isn't pity in your stare
He isn't my affair


"Hold up..." Resnik utters out gobsmacked at the information. "He didn't seem like anything was wrong. Said you were busy with something when asked where you were and that You'd be sitting this one out."

"Typical York..." you snort against the rim of your glass, "always deflecting shit he can't handle."

"I still don't understand" Resnik shakes his head, utterly confused. "What? When? Why?"

"'Bout two weeks ago. Ghosted me" you grunt out in response.

A dumbstruck Resnik stares open-mouthed at you, "why...?"

Exhaling heavily, you place the glass down. Staring at the palms of your interlocked hands for a while, you finally speak. "I casually mentioned about possibly going on a date with someone."

Resnik's jaw dramatically drops at your words, "you didn't...?"

"Gossip Girl much...?" you snort, shaking your head. "Jesus, not sure why I always confide my secrets to you?"

"'Cause, I'm the closes thing to a best friend you'll ever have..." Resnik smugly grinned at you.

"Don't remind me of how barren my life is..." you groan out, palming your face.

Your life is anything but barren..." Resnik drawls with an eyeroll, lightly nudging you then. "What did he do after you told him?"

Shoot him sharp glare, you snort in amusement. "Only spoke one word. 'Why?'. So, I told him... that being in my thirties has made me yearn for stability, for family life. Not only that, but I'm at a stage in life that the nature of our 'side job' demands for me to get the extra cover of 'normal family woman'... you know, with whole husband and kids 'thing'."

Resnik cringingly sucks in air, "bet he wasn't too happy hearing that..."

"He just stared at me for a few seconds, then left" you reply, taking another sip of your drink.

"You seem completely unbothered by all of this..." Resnik remarks, studying you through narrowed gaze.

He isn't my affair anymore
We're not that "quite the pair" we were before
And yes he's still the one that I adore
But he isn't my affair

I didn't say I wasn't sad
But then again it's not so bad
Sure my heart still feels the ache
But I hear his name and I don't break
The pieces are so small that I don't dare
And he isn't my affair


"Ee... it is what it is..." you nonchalantly shrug.

"Nah..." Resnik scowls, shaking his head in disapproval, "doesn't sit right with me."

"Why not?" you challenge him with an arched brow.

"You and Dave are the perfect match. You're meant to be together."

"Well, I'm at a stage in my life that I want more" you respond, "I want to become a wife and a mother, and that is never going to happen with him."

"Says who?" Resnik challenges your remark.

"Says his wife and children" you retort matter-of-factly.

Letting out a tense breath, Resnik's head drop in defeat. "Forgot about that... but may-"

"Doesn't matter" you cut him off. "The affairs of Dave York have nothing to do me anymore."


"Drop it Resnik" you shoot him a warning glare. "Besides, the only problem I have at this moment; is having to prepare for when York comes to shut me up."

"What do you mean?" Resnik frowns in confusion.

"You honestly believe that York's going to allow me to live?" you chuckle out. "It's obvious that I'm no longer part of the team, which means I'm a liability, a loose end that needs to be taken care of..."

"Dave wouldn't do that" Resnik violently shakes his head in disbelief.

You flash him a sad smile, "then you don't know him as well as you think you do."

Resnik's eyes glaze over with unshed tears as he silently stares at you in denial. Getting up, you pay the bill, tipping down to press a kiss to his forehead. "Take care of yourself, and good luck on the job."

As you move to leave, Resnik grabs hold of your arm. "I still don't believe he'd do it... but maybe if I talk to him..."

You smile at him one last time and shrug, "que sera sera..."

He isn't my affair anymore
We're not that "quite the pair" we were before
And yes he's still the one that I adore
But he isn't my affair... 


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