Their Pride Part 25

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Chapter 24

“You can put me down,” I grumbled as Zeke carried me towards our new home.

A laugh rumbled out of his chest. “And miss the opportunity to hold this over your head?  Not going to happen.”

Rolling my eyes, I snuggled deeper into his chest.  My nose pressed into his neck as I took in his scent.  He smelt like home.  He smelt like safety.  He smelt like everything I needed in a family member.

“Ah, how sweet; I’m glad I smell good,” he said with a smile in his voice.

As soon as the words left his mouth, a smack sounded on the back of his head.  Zeke turned to glare at Marcus, and Marcus gladly returned the look.

“Quit reading my daughters mind,” Marcus told him.

Zeke raised an eyebrow and looked down on the man. “I was making sure my sister was doing okay.  If I just asked, she wouldn’t have told me that the pain is increasing from the movement.”

Marcus opened his mouth to talk back, but I interrupted him, “Wait.  If I’m like a sister to Zeke and like a daughter to Marcus, shouldn’t that make Zeke like a son to Marcus?”

Seb sent me a smile while Blake laughed.  The look on the faces of the other two men made me think that they could have been related down the line because the expressions they had were identical.

“It’s not funny,” Zeke snapped towards Blake and Seb.  Blake immediately stopped laughing, while Seb made his smile a little larger.

“And we are not related,” Marcus added.

“Yes, well, we are not related,” I stated.

They both turned towards me with irritation before Marcus spoke, “Could you not just go to sleep?  I have no relations to that boy, and the only connection we have is you.”

I shook my head with a mock sad face. “And here I was hoping that you would paint each other’s toe nails.”

Seb let out a laugh, but Blake was still mysteriously quiet.  Looking up at the irritation on Zeke’s face, I tugged on his arm to get his attention.  I blinked my eyes at him slowly causing a smile to pull at the corner of his lips.

“Get along for me?” I asked blinking my eyelashes at him again.

He bumped his head to mine. “I am not those two, and your eyes do not create gushy feelings in me.  Honestly I just thought your attempts were hilarious.  How do you have these two going after you when you can’t even master the talent of flirting?”

“You forget where I grew up,” I mumbled in a huff.

“Yes, and you forget I know you are a fast learner.  None of it matters, we're by the front door,” he told me.

Looking over, I scanned the area.  We were in the middle of the woods where this cabin sat.  It wasn’t as large as Michael’s mansion, but it wasn’t as small as my apartment.  It was a perfect medium size.  Seb held the door open as we passed.  He gave me a large smile as my eyes met his.  I didn’t understand his happy mood, but I wasn’t going to do anything that would make it diminish. 

When we got into the cabin, I tried wiggling down, but Zeke kept my body still.  Letting out a sigh, I relaxed my body.  “Are you ever going to let me down?”

He gave me a smile. “Yes, as soon as Marcus shows me where a bed for you is.”

Marcus gave Zeke a look, but motioned for us to follow him.

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