Their Pride Part 36

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Chapter 35

The car ride home was silent.  I didn’t know what was going through their minds, but mine was focused on three things: Stacey, my powers, and whatever food I could get my hands on.  I don’t know how long it had been since I ate, but I was just now starting to feel the hunger.  I wanted to sink my teeth into a bloody steak and watch as the juices from it slid onto my plate.

“Good God,” Zeke said in a horrified voice. “Please quit thinking about eating.  That has to be the nastiest mental image I’ve gotten from you in a long time.”

I shot him a glare. “Then stay out of my mind.  I don’t go around trying to peak into yours.  The least you can do is let me think about what makes me calm.”

“That sounded more like your animal than you, Ally-Cat.  A big, juicy, rare steak?  For some reason I figured you for more of a pasta girl,” he told me.

“You know what?” I growled. “I think I like it better when you don’t talk.  Let’s go back to when you kept your mouth shut and drove.”

He closed his mouth while glancing at me through the rear view mirror.  The glare stayed on my face until he put his eyes back on the road.  Letting out a sigh, I snuggled into Seb’s side.  The only reason why I opted to sit in the back was for this.  My body molded into the side of his.  Warmth spread throughout me making me more comfortable than I had been in a long time.

I could feel my body relaxing and my eyelids drooping.  Fighting the sleep, I leaned a little away from him.  His arm tightened around me and pulled me closer.  I attempted to move away once more, but his growl froze my actions. 

“What?” I asked him while snuggling closer to him.

He rubbed his hand up and down my arm.  “For once, I would like for you to relax.  I know what’s on your mind.  You have a lot to do in a short period of time, but you need to relax.”

“Fine,” I mumbled into his chest.  Closing my eyes, I willed the sleep away.  I would relax, but I didn’t want to sleep.  I couldn’t afford to sleep.  There were too many things to do. 

My breaths evened out.  I knew it wouldn’t work, but I wanted to give off the pretense that I was sleeping soundly.  Delving into my mind, I concentrated on Blake.  I wanted to see how this bond-mate thing worked.  Picturing Blake, my mind slowly focused on that part of me that knew where he was.  His heart was beating in his chest rapidly, and he didn’t know what to do.  He felt at a loss; that was the only thing I could get from our connection.

Breaking the connection with Blake, I attempted to form one with Seb.  This one was quicker as it snapped into place with ease.  It was different than my mind, to say the least.  Instead of things rushing through his mind, he was calm.  His mind was more peaceful than mine had ever been.  Was this part of the bond or was his mind always like this?

“I can feel you in my head, Alex.  You won’t find anything useful,” he told me in amusement.

My eyes popped open, and the connection broke.  “You could feel me?”

“Yeah, it’s odd because when Zeke is in my mind I don’t feel a thing.  With you, it feels like your caressing my mind.  You put things at ease, and it’s a little scary,” he told me with a smile.

“It is part of the bond,” Zeke said from the front seat. “You two calm each other.  Another thing that happens is that I can’t get into your head when the two of you are connected like that.”

“So, you didn’t feel what Blake was feeling?” I asked.

Seb angled his body towards me and raised an eyebrow.  “I would usually be jealous, but I know the only feelings you have towards him are sisterly.  Tell me, though, why were you in his mind?”

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