Chapter Ten

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Twisted Fate

Chapter Ten

I couldn’t believe that he just hung up on me. Maybe Paige was right, maybe Jay isn't the one for me; Did I just say that Paige was right? I must really miss her to say that; I finished unpacking, and putting my things away in the places that they go in. I sat down on my bed, and I began to reminisce about how Tevin, and I would sit in my room,and listen to music until my mom would make us go to bed. I felt myself beginning to cry God I missed Tevin so much; I needed him here with me right now to tell me that everything will be okay; as I was cleaning my face I heard my mom talking to someone downstairs. I couldn’t recognize the voice at the moment but they were talking about me, and how proud of me they were;  I decided to get up, and stand at the top of the stairs just to listen to their conversation.

"Yes Teresa I am so proud of my baby she’s achieving her dreams, and Tevin’s dreams for the both of them"

"Yes she is, and he would be very proud of her"

That's when I realized that my mom was talking to Ms. Teresa  Tevin’s mom I hadn't seen her since I left for college, and I know that she has to be hurting more than me I mean Tevin was her baby my hurt couldn't possibly match the hurt she felt; I leaned over the banister, and listen to them reminisce about when Tevin, and I were kids we had so much fun as kids  I felt like we never got in trouble when we were together we were always each other's lookout  I laughed at the thought of us being each other's lookout to hear if our parents were coming to catch us I hear him now.

"Keep an eye out Bubbles!"

"I am monster hurry before we get in trouble!"

"Don't worry Bubbles were not going to get in trouble I promise"

"You promise?"

"I promise"

I could feel myself fully  crying now, and that's when I felt two sets of arms wrap around me, and embrace me I  couldn't do nothing but cry as all the memories floated back into my head I broke down crying I just  wanted my friend back but he wasn’t coming back I'd have to find a way to continue life without him I don't know if I'd be able to ever find the strength to move on without my best friend the first love of my life. I could hear Ms. Teresa telling me that everything will be okay, and that Tevin wouldn’t want to see me crying, and I know that he wouldn’t but I don't have him here to tell me otherwise, and it's heartbreaking.

"It's going to be okay baby he's in a better place" my mom said hugging me

"He wouldn’t want to see you like this he adored you he told me days before he passed away that you were his baby, and that he loved you more than a sister, and he said that if anything ever happened to him he wanted you to be happy"

Hearing her say that gave me a little closure but I still missed, and needed Tevin but I knew that he just was now my guardian angel, and that he would guide me through my life choices; I finally stopped crying, and I got myself together then I heard Ms. Teresa ask.

"Are you okay sweetheart?"

"I think so it's just overwhelming"

"I understand trust me sweetheart I do but it'll get better believe me"

"But when will it get better?"

"In due time sweetheart"

I knew that it was going to take some time for my pain to heal  but I also didn't want it to put a wedge in between me, and Jay but I knew that it would become I haven’t completely let go of Tevin yet; Tomorrow I will see my best friend/first love for the last time, and honestly it was tearing me apart to think about it but I needed to remain strong not just for myself but because I know that's what he would want me to do. My mom,and  Ms. Teresa  had left me alone to collect my thoughts, and I honestly needed the time alone to think, and reflect on my choices in life. That's when I heard a voice that I thought that I'd never hear again.

"Look at you Bubbles a complete mess you know better"

I looked up to see Tevin sitting on my bed. I knew that I had to be dreaming but I  couldn't stop crying now,and I just let it all out.

"Monster I need you, why'd you have to leave me?"

"It wasn't my choice to leave you I just made a bad decision after you left Bubbles"

"I shouldn't have left I promised you that I would be there for you, and I wasn't I'm sorry"

"Don't be sorry it's good that you left, and went to college because if this happened to you I'd lose it"

"But I'm losing it without you here"

"I know but you are also pushing someone away that loves you, and who's trying to be there for you but you won't let him"

"But he's not like you"

"He doesn't have to be like me to love you, and be there for you stop trying to compare him to me Bubbles"


"But nothing I will always be here for you but let him be there for you also don't shut him out promise me"

"I promise"

"Good it's time for me to go I will always love you Bubbles"

"I love you too Monster"

And just like that he was gone maybe he was right I do need to stop trying to compare Jay to him, and move on I do need to stop pushing Jay away, and let him be there for me; I just  need to face it Tevin is my guardian angel, and he will always be there but I need to focus on school, and my future.

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