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I'm taking the #NoMoreBullying challenge, which is basically where you add a part to your story explaining how bullying is bad. If you want to take the challenge or want more info, go to @NoMoreBulling.
So here goes:

No one deserves to be bullied. It doesn't matter what kind, or what age- no one deserves to feel terrible because of something someone said, or did, or meant.

Mean words hold tremendous power, it's the people who say them that are weak.

There is no excuse to bully.

It doesn't matter if someone is of a different race, religion, sexuality, or just different from you.

It doesn't matter if someone is overweight, or if they don't wear makeup, or if they wear clothes that weren't 'cool' a long time ago.

It doesn't matter what kind of person they are, no one deserves to be bullied.

And just because someone is jealous of your intellect, it is no reason for them to put you down.

If you're bullying, don't bully.

If you're being bullied, seek help.

If you see someone being bullied, put an end to it.

"90% of teens who say they have witnessed bullying say they did nothing about it.
Be the other 10%"

Before you say or do something, think for a second about who it could hurt. If it could end up hurting someone, then don't.
Because no one deserves to be hurt.

And no one deserves to be bullied.

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