Chapter 3: The Welcome Party

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John was staring through the window. Town Square, the capital of Number Isle, was a lively place. It looked like a mix of London and New York, but friendlier. Cars were racing by with no traffic. People were constantly going in and out of restaurants, including some numberblock students. Tons of pedestrians walking and crossing roads, going at their own pace. Seemed like a nice place to live in.

His dorm had two rooms: a kitchen that was connected to the living room and a bedroom that he shared with Michael and Andrew.

Andrew came into the bedroom after watching Netflix for two hours. "I should've unpacked my stuff first..." He sighed.

"It's fine, we're not staying permanently anyway," John replied.

There was a knock on the front door. Everyone jumped up to see who was at the door. It was Penny. "Oh my gosh, Angela and Bethany are the worst! They just tossed half my clothes out the window because it looked 'poor'!" She ranted. Penny kissed Andrew on the cheek. "I can't stand them anymore, can I please sleep on your couch? Please?"

"Uh, sure I guess." Michael shrugged. "Just don't get your makeup everywhere."

Penny dumped her bags on the floor. "Thank you! All they talk about is Kardashians, it's horrible."

There was another knock on the door. John opened it to reveal Three standing in the doorway, school uniform on, but she wasn't wearing her blazer. Her 'Clown Makeup' was washed off and she had a piece of paper in her hand. "Listen, I know that you all just got introduced to the people in our school. One and Two made everyone seem lovely and dandy and our school might seem almost perfect but in reality, this is just another British school. Here, this is a real guide to the students." Three handed John a piece of paper with all the numberblock competitors and left.

Everyone gathered around the paper, trying to read what it said.

A Real Guide to Numberblocks Secondary

One Circe- Disney Princess Two Tap- Kind of dumb but has good intentions.
Four Quadrata- Obsessed with squares Five Star- Chill. Six Dice- Theatre Kid Seven Clover- Weirdly Lucky??? Eight Salvatoris- Thinks he's all that. Nine Tishu- Always Absent Eleven King- Only plays football Twelve Rectus- Overachiever Thirteen Malus- Actually nice when you get to know him. Fourteen Extreme- Always lets his intrusive thoughts get to him. Fifteen Squad- Really weird or as the Five Times table would say: "Slightly Odd." Annoying at times. Sixteen Locus- Crazy. Seventeen Artem- Has no social life. Eighteen Rectus- Gets 5 detentions in one day. Nineteen Prime- is pretty cool. Twenty-one Missio- Chill. Twenty-two Prince- Eleven but male. Twenty-three Smith- Who???
Twent-four Rectangulum- EPIC Twenty-five Quadrilatera- Lame. Twenty-six Eye- Cooler Fifteen. Twenty-seven Cubus- Supergirl, basically.
Twenty-eight Texere- Weird. Twenty-nine- Thinks he's friends with everyone. Thirty-one- Idk Thirty-two- Done with everyone, except snow. Sixty-four- Nerd.

"A bit mean, don't you think?" John said.

"Eh, it's fine. This happens in our school all the time." Michael replied. "Hey, it's almost six o'clock. Do you guys wanna go to that party Sixteen was talking about?"

"I don't like parties..." John sighed.

Andrew's face went red."Oh, and um... I'm tired... I can't go."

"Oh, come on! It'll be fun!" Penny exclaimed. After a lot of talking, John and Andrew were finally convinced to go to the party.

They put on their best clothes and headed off to Numbrblocks Secondary.

They walked until they reached the school hall, where the party was taking place. There were about 60 kids in there, all having fun and dancing. Shut Up and Dance was playing while Five was serving the role of a DJ. There was a stall with fruit punch and other snacks.

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