The Auction

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"We have our trusty witch presiding over this event to make sure no funny business is attempted." He gestured to Valentina who was sitting on a different raised platform on the opposite end of the crowd. It was only then that I realized not only was she a witch now, but she was blind. That was why here eyes were white.
Remember the plan, get sold off and kill the men individually and converge to kill the rest. You know who's good and who's bad I assume. I reminded all the women and they nodded. The collared women and all the children were not to be harmed, neither were the men we knew to be good.
"We will start with Number 85!" Carrie was pushed forwards and she kept her eyes on one of the men in the back with a pregnant woman on a leash. His eyes were wide and his mouth was agape.
Carrie wasn't as beautiful as some of the other women with dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, a smaller chest and a very pointy nose so she was mostly booed until her mate finally spoke up.
"I'll take her." He shouted across the crowd. I saw Carrie shiver slightly before she steeled herself again.
I'm sorry about your mate Carrie, she glanced back at me and sent me the thought that she would be okay.
"Alright, Ned is starting a collection." Tony and the rest of the crowd laughed as Ned walked up to the stage to collar and collect Carrie. She kept her eyes on his the whole time, once glancing down at the chain he held in his hand as he added hers to it.
About 40 minutes later we were up to Marie. "Alright, now I will let you guys know that Number 16 over here managed to kill Andrew and had a kid which Chad killed. So if you like to break em' in then this is a good one for you." Marie was pushed forward as Tony laughed.
Tears welled up in her eyes as she glanced at Chad, who securely held Angie's hand. He had to fight for her.
"I like them feisty," came a gravely voice from the middle of the crowd. An enormous and blotchy man came forward. Marie gulped before calmly walked down the steps and allowed the collar to be placed on her neck and she was yanked back into the crowd.
"I don't know much about Number 15 here, but damn she's hot!" Melody was shoved forward and took a deep breath as men started shouting trying to get her, a fist fight actually broke out and a tall and broad man knocked out the other men trying to get her. She was collared and the man sniffed her head as he led her back into the crowd. Creep.
"Now, Number 14." The crowd erupted into cheers and wolf whistles as I was roughly pushed forward. I kept my head high and my eyes forward, staring directly at Valentina who looked as if she was uncomfortable. "I'm sorry boys but Number 14 is already taken." The crowd booed and I momentarily turned my head to stare at Tony and raised an eyebrow. "I've decided to keep her as my own since she had the nerve to talk back to me."
He grabbed my arm and yanked me to his side. "Is this supposed to be an honor of some kind?" I snarled in his ear. Quicker than I could see he lashed his hand out and backhanded me hard enough to send me tumbling to the floor.
The crowd growled approvingly at the violence and I snarled right back at them as I struggled to stand back up with a hand on my belly.
"I will have to break that attitude and fix the other obvious problem." He laughed before locking one arm around my waist to keep me next to him and auctioned off the rest of the girls, Marianna was just considered fat and they didn't know she was pregnant so she only had one buyer. One more girl got picked by her true mate before we were all spread out pretty evenly through the crowd.
"And that concludes this years auc-" Tony started to say but I cut him off.
"No it does not." I said loudly and clearly, Valentina immediately sat up as straight as an arrow in her chair when she heard my voice. "Valentina, please help us!"
With that we all started attacking, I ran as fast as I could towards the trap door we had come out of with Marianna, Birdie, Marie, Farrah, Melody and Naomi to rescue the other people in the cells. I saw Valentina stand up with determination on her face as we went back underground so I am hoping she was trying to help.
"Melody, you have to dig into the concrete between the cells. Marie and Farrah help her and the rest of us will help the people get out." Kara handed Bruce to Marie with a look of confusion and happiness on her face.
"Going to see Mikey?" She asked me and I nodded. She suddenly stood up and shifted, her wolf was a very dark purple and she was almost as large as Melody or I. She started to furiously dig at the wall of the cell with her silver claws.
By the time we got a hole big enough for everybody to fit through, the wolves paws were bloody and you couldn't hear anymore fighting from above us.
Marie was holding Bruce as well as a toddler who told us her name was Kelsi. I was holding a little boy named Barclay and his twin sister Nora, they were two incredibly beautiful children if not a bit dirty and scared.
The rest of the adults carried the children who were too weak or tired to walk.
When we came up the stairs something amazing greeted us. Valentina was floating high above the pack with her palms up with little purple flames in them. All the men seemed to be in pale white bubbles and unable to move.
The women had all given them fatal injuries in their frozen state, except for Tony who was left for me.
"Hello Tony." I smiled as I changed my finger into a claw and scraped it down his arm. "You see, we don't like being treated as possessions." A slice across his stomach. "We don't like being kept in a cage." Across his chest. "We don't like being sold like slaves." Across his crotch. "And most importantly we don't like being kept from our mates!" Across the throat.

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