Our car is a robot?

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It was the next day, I was sitting outside with mom and Dad just enjoying the sun, when I noticed Sam walking up to our car. "Hey, Where are you going?!" I yelled at him. "Oh, nothing just to this lake party. You wanna come?" "Is Miles comming?" "Yeah." "Then no thanks." I told him and turned back to get ready for the day. I started my day, like usually, with a hot shower and breakfast. This day, nothing special happens, I just layed in my bed all day long and listened to some music while painting a little. It was already evening when my brother came home and he had the biggest smile on his face I had ever seen. "What happened to you?" I asked curious and he told me about how he and Mikaela spend the evening driving home. "Ooo~ Sounds great I really like Mikaela." I told him and went to the kitchen to make dinner.

The next morning I woke up it was strangly quiet in the house. When I got downstairs, I noticed a note on the table: We're getting Sam from the police station; we will be back soon.' Why the F is he at the police station?!" But well, I didn't waste more time thinking about it as I just sat in the kitchen waiting for them to come back. Soon the door opened and mom, dad and Sam entered the house. "Sam what happened?" "Just leave me alone Y/n." He said rudly and went to his room. I looked at mom and dad strangly. "He said his car came to live." Dad said shaking his head. "Alright, well I will go out skating a little." I said, took my skateboard asnd started driving through the streets. When suddenly Sam drove past me and as I looked behind me I saw our yellow camaro coming straight at me. The car parked next to me but before I could start to panic, The doors opened and the radio spoke. "Get in if you want to survive." I didn't think much but got in and put my skate board on the backseat. "What is going on and what are you?!" I yelled at the car. "Visitors from heaven." The radio said with an old radio reporter's voice. "You communicate through the radio?" "Yes!" Another Voice wa heard. "Alright." I said and nodded.

After we drove a little while I saw Sam on the ground, and next to him Mikaela and behind them a big scary Robot. The car made a turn and hit the other robot that it fell over. It drove next to the other two and opened a door. They looked at me for a moment, "COME IN OR DO YOU WANT TO DIE?" I asked them, and then they got into the car, Sam in the front with Mikaela while I climbed into the back."DID you just do that move with the car?" Sam asked me out of breath. "No, I didn't, the car moves itself." "WHAT?!" Sam screamed at me. "Stop screaming you Idiot" I told him. The other Robot now a car drove behind us trying to get us. "We are going to die" "we are not going to die" "We are going to die" "WE ARE NOT, SO SHUT UP NOW! I screamed at them, and finally they looked shocked at me but kept quiet. We drove for about 10 minutes till the other car drove past us. "We're locked in" Sam said after the doors looked itself. "The car won't start" I stated," but at least we ditched the monster, right?" Sam said, and at that moment the other car drove in front of us past us, but then it stopped and drove backwards. The keys turned and the car started. With full speed, our car drove past the other and drove to an open field. The doors on the left flipped open and Sam and Mikaela got thrown out of the car. While I on the backseat got throw into the other direction landing on soft grass.

Out of nowhere, our car also transformed into a Robot and stood in front of us protectively. The other car came and transformed into that alien robot too. He attacked our car and knocked him over. The other Robot tried to attack Sam and Mikaela, but our car stopped him. Sam and Mikaela ran away with a little Robot following, while I tried to hide somewhere where the big one wouldn't find me. Our car didn't take long till he defended the other robot; after that, I came out of my hiding spot and went over to our car. "You're friendly; that's how much we know." I said, looking up at him. Behind me, Sam and Mikaela now also approached us.

"What is that?" Mikaela asked. "A robot," Sam answered, 'Wow, I didn't notice'. I thought in my head." but a different...you know, like a super advanced robot." he then added. "It's probably Japanese." "Are you stupid?" I asked him and approached our car again. "Y/n get away from him!" Sam shouted after me, but I didn't listen. He just saved our lives, I have a feeling that we can trust him. Sam slowly came after me and stopped a few meters in front of our car. And I was standing like one meter away from him, walking around him, taking a look at him, until I stood in front of him again now next to Sam. "Can you talk?" Sam questioned him. "XM Satellite Radio------Digital cable brings you-------Columbia Broadcasting system." "He earlier told me he is communicating through the radio." I told Sam.

"So what was that last night, what was that?" Sam now asked again "Message from Starfleet, Captain: Throughout the inanimate vastness of space----Angels will rain down like visitors from heaven hallelujah" "So are you an alien or something?" Mikaela asked, and our car just pointed at her and transformed into a car." Any more questions you want to ask?" He opened the door, and I was about to get in when Sam held me back, "He wants us to get into the car..." "And go where?" Mikaela asked me on my statement. "Fifty years from now, when you're looking back at your life, don't you want to be able to say you had the guts to get into the car?" I asked them and pulled away from Sam. I went to the driver's seat and closed the door. They looked at me for a moment, but then they also got in, and our car started to drive.

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