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"Can you give us 5 seconds? Look, we need your help," I said." Really, you need my help?" "Look, I am slowly losing my mind. Okay, I had a little crab-bot, plunged a device deep into the tissues of my brain, and started projecting little alien symbols like a freaking home movie. And on top of that, we are wanted fugitives." Sam stated. "So you think you've got it rough?!" I asked him.

"You said it projected images of your brain?" Simmons asked me. "Yes." I answered, "Meat locked, now!" He yelled and pointed to another room, and we all followed him down there. "Dead pigs." Leo said disgusted. "What you're about to see is top secret. Do not tell my mother." I almost laughed at that if the situation wouldn't be that serious. He lifted a metal deck up, and we all went inside.

"Swine flu. Not good." Leo complained again. "Now you know." Simmons started, "Next time you eat a goat or a pig, there's a story behind it." He continued. I looked at him, irritated, after that sentence, and we all followed him downstairs. The room was kind of small but filled with lot of paper bags stabled in the whole room, and Simmons started to search for something. "We are talking about symbols." He mumbled to himself and kept looking. I looked around in the room until Simmons seemed to find what he was searching for. "Any of there look like the symbols you saw?" He asked and handed a few photos to Sam and me, "Where did you get these?" I asked amazed.

"Before I got fired, I poached S-7's crown jewel, over 75 years of alien research, which points to one inescapable fact. The Transformers—they've been here a long, long time." Simmons explained while going up a ladder. "How do I know?" He asked us, and we all looked up at him, "How?" Sam asked Simmons threw a little box at Leo, who caught it. "Archeologists found these unexplained markings in ancient ruins all over the world." He stated, "So everything can be possible." I mumbled, "China. Egypt. Greece." He said, and put to each country a photo on a table. Next, he put a film on a TV in the corner. "It was shot in 1932. These are the symbols you're seeing in your head?" He asked Sam, who looked at them again

"Yeah, those are the ones," he told us. "The same ones over here, right?" He asked, pointing to the pictures. "So, tell me, how did they end up drawing the same things? Aliens. And I think some of them stayed." "Oh dear god." I said. "Yeah, check this out. Project Black Knife. Robots in disguise, hiding here all along. We detected radio signatures all across the country. I pleaded on my knees with S-7 to investigate it, but they all said the readings were infinitesimal. That i was obsessed." "Yeah, Megatron said there was another Energon source here." I said, "On earth. Another source?" Simmons asked in disbelief. "Yes, on earth." Sam agreed with me. "Then he said these symbols, in my head, would lead me there." Sam continued, "You talked to your Autobot friends about it?" "The source is before them" I answered his question. The source is before them." He repeated "yes." I said again, "Well, then we are porked, unless we can talk to a Deception. I mean, I'm not on speaking terms with them." Simmons laughed. "Who would be on speaking terms with one?" I asked. "Actually, I am." "What?!" Sam asked in disbelief.

Mikaela and I went up to get a box with a little decepticon inside like Mikaela told me. "You go down I stay here with Bee." I said and bee opened the door for me. I got in and started realaxing while the tears again made their way up to my eyes. "Bee. He is really gone is he?" I asked. Ofcourse I know the answer it just feels so unreal. "As long as------we keep him in-----our hearts he will never be really dead." Bee said through his radio and I didn't replyed anything to that anymore.

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