Let me know you , Please 🫰🫰

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"Nong Gem, can you hear me? Nong Gem!" P' Joe waved his hand in front of Gemini's face, trying to snap him out of his daze. But Gemini was too lost in his thoughts to notice. "Nong Gem!"

"Khab P'. What happened?" Gemini finally responded, blinking rapidly.

"I was talking to you for a while. You didn't even give a nod. What were you thinking about?" P' Joe asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing, nothing... I was just thinking about my schedule, P'." Gemini replied awkwardly.

"Stop lying, Nong Gem. You were checking out that boy for a while." P' Joe pointed at Fourth, who was staring blankly into the distance.

"Actually, P', it's not what you think..." Gemini started, but P' Joe cut him off.

"It's okay, Nong, I got you," P' Joe said with a knowing smile. "But I can tell you, he's new to the Pentagon. He came with Khun Green, so he's probably from an influential background. But he's very introverted. He hasn't said a word since he arrived, just nodding and smiling at whoever greets him. Approaching him won't be easy. Good luck, Gem."

Feeling a surge of nervous excitement, Gemini grabbed two glasses of red wine and headed to the second floor. Approaching someone was a new experience for him. Usually, others approached him first.

He stood a few meters away from Fourth, who hadn't noticed him yet and was deep in thought. Before Gemini could make his move, an attractive lady in a seductive red dress approached Fourth, touching his waist. Gemini felt a pang of irritation.

"Hi, you seem lonely. Someone as handsome as you shouldn't be alone," the lady said, getting closer to Fourth.

Fourth tried to stay polite despite his discomfort. "It's okay, I prefer to stay lonely."

The lady, undeterred, pressed her body against his. "I can feel you. We could go a long way together if you want," she whispered seductively in his ear.

Fourth, now visibly annoyed, responded with a sarcastic smile. "No doubt, but in opposite directions."

The lady stormed off in anger, and Fourth sighed in relief.

"P' Joe was right. He's not easy, but I like your sassy side, kitten," Gemini thought, watching from a distance. He decided to observe a bit more before approaching.

"Hey, Fourth, what are you doing here? Let's go to our table," a middle-aged man, Green, wrapped his arm around Fourth's neck.

"So, your name is Fourth," Gemini noted to himself.

"Please, P' Green, I don't like the environment at your table. You know I don't feel comfortable in these situations. I'm okay here. Let me stay," Fourth replied.

"Nong Fot Fot, I arranged this party to celebrate your arrival. You should appreciate P's effort," Green said dramatically, wiping away fake tears.

Fourth sighed inwardly. "That's why I didn't want to join this party in the first place. Everyone plays emotional tricks on me," he thought. "Sorry, P' Green. Let's go."

"Guys, my one and only handsome Nong Fourth is here. Let's toast in his honor," Green announced excitedly. Fourth forced a smile as he sat with Green and his friends, feeling increasingly uncomfortable.

"Someone is mesmerized by his crush," P' Joe teased Gemini.

"No, no, P'. I'm just observing him. He seems interesting," Gemini replied defensively.

"Yeah, observing like a hawk. Your eyes have been glued to him since you saw him. I'm not used to this side of you," P' Joe said.

Meanwhile, Tay Nattawat paced restlessly. "Tay, why are you so tense? Fourth isn't a baby. Green is there," New said to his husband.

"That's my concern, New. Green is too hyperactive. He and Fourth are opposites. I shouldn't have let Fourth go. He's also allergic to alcohol," Tay sighed.

"I understand your concern, but Fourth needs to socialize. He always keeps to himself. Leading a jolly life is necessary for his health. That's why I convinced him to go," New said soothingly.

"P' Green, I better leave now. P' Tay will be worried," Fourth said.

"How will you get back? Do you need a lift?" Green asked.

"It's okay, P'. I already called my driver. He's here," Fourth replied.

"Okay, Nong. Take care. Good night," Green patted Fourth's shoulder.

"Where did he go?" Gemini cursed himself. He had only gone to the restroom for five minutes, and now Fourth had vanished.

"Your crush left," P' Joe said. "Why didn't you stop him?"

"How could I? I don't even know him. Besides, he was with our VIP guest. How could I stop him?" P' Joe replied.

Feeling frustrated, Gemini realized his plan to approach Fourth had failed. Meeting Fourth at the Pentagon had felt like fate, and now he is worried he might not see him again.

"Please, God, give me another chance to know him. I swear I won't miss it again," Gemini prayed silently.

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