Tangled Emotions💚💚💜🤍

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"Gem, can you sit down for a moment? Watching you pace around is making me dizzy," Phuwin said, his eyes tracking Gemini's frantic movements. The look on Gemini's face spoke volumes; it was as if his entire world had come crashing down.

"How could I, P'Phuwin? If you saw P'Pond with a child and a beautiful woman, wouldn't you feel insecure? Like there’s no chance left for you?" Gemini's voice was tinged with desperation as he finally sank into a chair, facing Phuwin across the table.

"I wouldn’t jump to conclusions. I’d find out the real story first before letting my mind run wild," Phuwin replied, his tone a mix of sternness and concern. "Don't be so quick to overthink everything."

"But P'—" Gemini began, only to be cut off by Phuwin's commanding voice.

"Stop it. If you don't quit this nonsense, I'll kick you out myself," Phuwin warned, his gaze unwavering.

Gemini's retort died on his lips as he noticed the intensity in Phuwin’s eyes. "This is my apartment," he mumbled, though the fight had already left him.

Phuwin softened slightly. "Let's go to Kang's café tomorrow. Your schedule is free, right? Maybe you can talk to him, understand him better."

Gemini nodded slowly, realizing Phuwin had a point. He didn't have any other way to reach Fourth. The only thing keeping his hope alive was the fact that Fourth visited that café every evening. Maybe, just maybe, luck would be on his side this time...


"Fourth, what are you doing? Fourth?" New tapped Fourth's shoulder, snapping him out of his intense focus on his laptop screen.

"Huh! P'New, when did you get here?" Fourth jolted up, clearly startled.

"Just now. You were so absorbed in your laptop that you didn't notice me. Where's Tay? Where's Tew?" New asked, scanning the room.

Hearing his older brother Tay's name, Fourth suddenly remembered the acting plan Tay had roped him into. "Oh, Tew is sleeping in my room. Don't worry, I already fed him dinner, changed him into his pajamas, and gave him the bunny plushie you bought him. Since you weren't here, I didn't want to leave him alone in his own room," Fourth reassured his brother-in-law about his son.

"Thanks a lot, Nong. I'll go check on him. But where's Tay? He didn't even come to the airport to pick me up today," New said, his tone turning sulky with the last two lines.

Fourth saw his cue. "P'Tay just dropped Tew and me off at home and then went to meet a client. Though I did see him talking on the phone with a lady for a while. He was smiling widely," Fourth added, emphasizing the last part.

These words were enough to set off New's possessive side. He rarely showed it, but when he did, it was always intense. "Smiling widely over the phone with a lady client," he thought, his mind racing. "He didn't pick me up at the airport and didn't even answer my call in the evening..."

"I'll go check on Tew and freshen up. You should get some sleep; it's already late," New said, heading upstairs.

Watching New's reaction, Fourth realized their plan was working perfectly. He quickly texted his older brother, "P'New is jealous already. Go on..."


"Thanks for the ride, P'Perth," Phuwin said as he stepped out of the car.

"It's nothing, Nong," Perth replied with a grin, leaning out of the car window,his eyes twinkling "But if you really want to repay me, help me win over your senior, Chimon. He's a bit arrogant, but way too cute to resist."

Phuwin smirked and moved closer to Perth's window. With a playful tap on Perth's head, he said, "Keep dreaming. P'Chimon is out of your league."

"Hey, you brat! That's no way to talk to your brother," Perth retorted, grabbing Phuwin's hair in mock anger.

From a distance, their playful tussle looked like a tender moment of a couple, with one pulling the other closer by the hair, making someone believe something that they hadn't even in their wildest nightmare.

Phuwin had  warned Gemini earlier about the dangers of overthinking, but little did he know, he was about to face the consequences of it himself.....

( Double update,as my story get too much slow..hope you all will like it. And suggest me in comments if you want any certain change)

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