Intriguing Discovery🤍🤍

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"Fourth, where is Tew?" Tay asked his younger brother, who was deeply absorbed in his laptop.

"He got tired after playing, so I tucked him into bed in my room after feeding him dinner," Fourth replied, pointing in the direction of his room. "Where have you been? When is P' New arriving? It's almost 10 PM."

"New will be here in thirty minutes. Foye went to the airport to pick him up. I was checking the final details at the venue for our anniversary surprise," Tay explained.

"Please be careful. A jealous P' New is not a good sight," Fourth warned, his tone filled with concern.

"I know, that's why I need you to play along with my plan. My jealous husband is adorable, but I need to go. I shouldn't be here when New arrives," Tay said, hurrying upstairs.

"That's why people say 'To feel ill at ease'," Fourth muttered, shaking his head at his brother's antics. Tay was planning to surprise his husband for their anniversary the day after tomorrow and had roped Fourth into making New a little jealous as part of the plan.

Fourth returned to his laptop, opening his Instagram account. It had been a while since he last logged in, but today, curiosity was driving him. He was searching for a man he had recently met.

"He must have a huge following. After all, he's a celebrity, not a loner like me," Fourth muttered. After typing just three words, the profile he was looking for popped up on his screen. "He is indeed handsome, with a beautiful smile and great fashion sense. No wonder P' Tay chose him as our brand ambassador," Fourth thought, feeling like a stalker as he meticulously analyzed every photo of Gemini.

Earlier that afternoon, Tay's secretary, Foye, had revealed that the boy Fourth met in the café was a heartthrob Thai celebrity. Fourth felt an intense desire to learn more about this man. He had been playing with his nephew Tew, feeding him while his brother and brother-in-law were away, but he was feeling impatient inside.. As soon as Tew was asleep, he opened his laptop, dove into his research.

In their first encounter, Fourth had thought of Gemini as a normal stranger. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that Gemini was a celebrity. After learning the truth from Foye, it made sense why everyone in the café had been watching Gemini so intently and snapping photos. Now, Fourth was left wondering why a celebrity heartthrob would approach him and try to strike up a conversation.

As Fourth continued to scroll through Gemini's Instagram, he couldn't help but feel a strange excitement. The thought of seeing Gemini again made his heart race. Maybe this encounter was more than just a fleeting moment. Maybe, just maybe, it was the beginning of something extraordinary.....

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