Excitement, secret and unspoken love 💕💕

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"At last, I'm done with all these tasks. Guys, let's have a BBQ party this evening. I'm exhausted and need some refreshment," Winny said as he closed his laptop. "I'm in. Let's go," Matte chimed in.

"You guys go ahead. I have an appointment this afternoon and can't join," Fourth said, packing his notes and laptop into his bag. "Who’s more important than your buddies?" Winny asked, eyeing Fourth suspiciously.

"Hey, what's with that look? It's a family matter, so I need to attend," Fourth explained. "Okay, okay. Let's go, Winny. Who knows if it's a family matter or a date," Matte teased, dodging Fourth's playful swat as he ran away.

"Hello, P' Tay. Where are you? I'm done with my class. When should I come? Send me the location and time," Fourth said as soon as Tay answered his call.

"Calm down, uncle Fourth. It's only 2:30. We'll head out at 4:00. Go home, freshen up, and get ready. I'll pick you up from home," Tay responded. "Okay, okay. Don't be late," Fourth replied, ending the call. "Who would believe he's 19? He's as excited as a kid," Tay chuckled, putting his phone aside.

"Gemini, Gemini, Gem!" Phuwin shouted as he entered the studio. "I'm here, P' Phuwin," Gemini replied from the dressing room. "Why are you calling my name so early in the morning? Do you miss me that much?" Gemini asked in a mock serious tone.

"Miss you, my ass.. It's not morning. It's already 3:00 pm. Are you drunk in the middle of the day, calling it morning?" Phuwin scolded. "Siah, I don't even check the clock," Gemini replied, scratching his head. "Yeah, why would you? I'm your unpaid assistant, reminding you of everything. Now go and get ready for the evening event. The makeup artist and stylist are already here," Phuwin pointed to the crew waiting to prep Gemini.

"Sorry, P'. I forgot. Forgive me. I'm going to get ready right now," Gemini said, running away from Phuwin, who glared at him for his forgetfulness.

"P' Tay, how can you stay so calm? I'm so excited, I feel like jumping! I can't wait to meet my nephew," Fourth said excitedly as he and Tay prepared to bring the baby home. Though New couldn't be there in person, he would join via video call to welcome the baby.

Today, a new member would join the Jirochtikul family. Fourth, often icy to others, adored children and was more excited than the baby's future parents. He was like a kid trapped in a 19-year-old's body.. He is a ball of sunshine around the people he loves unfortunately the number of them are so  few.

"Where's Gem? Is he ready?" Pond asked Phuwin as he entered the studio. He was also invited to Gemini's event since they were under the same entertainment agency.

"How could he be fast? He's your friend and brother, so he has to be fashionably late like you. He's getting ready inside," Phuwin replied sarcastically, venting his frustration at Gemini's perpetual tardiness.

"I'm glad you noticed me so keenly," Pond said flirtatiously, moving closer to Phuwin despite sensing the annoyance in his words. "Hey, what are you doing? The crew is here," Phuwin tried to push him away but found himself trapped between Pond's arms.

"Let them see. It'll work to my advantage if rumors spread about us. No one else would dare to flirt with you," Pond whispered huskily, his breath sending shivers down Phuwin's spine...

."Gem, your new co-star Love will be here today. Give some good expressions and stunts so people start shipping you two. It's part of the movie's promotion, you know," Phuwin instructed Gemini, who was lounging in the car with him.

"Fine, I'll do it. But only if you let me pursue Fourth," Gemini bargained.

Phuwin sighed, exasperated. "You're obsessed with Fourth. Can you focus on the event and not mess it up thinking about your boy? You have all night to dream about him."

"Who's Fourth?" Pond asked, overhearing their conversation from the back seat. Both Phuwin and Gemini had forgotten he was there. Gemini turned to see Pond looking at them inquisitively.

"You always manage to overhear things at the wrong time," Phuwin muttered. "Fourth is your brother's latest crush. Your brother's completely smitten, but the guy doesn't even know he exists. Ignored him at their first encounter."

"Wow, sounds like someone's just as stubborn as another person I know," Pond said, patting Gemini's shoulder. "I get it now, Gemini."

"Yeah, P'Pond, we're in the same boat," Gemini said, grinning.

"Both of you shut it, or I'll kick you out of the car," Phuwin threatened, his tone sharp.

"Okay, boss," Pond and Gemini chorused, miming zipping their lips as Phuwin glared at them, his patience wearing thin....

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