Artemis and the Hunters

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(hey guys!! This is another long one so read this with caution cause you're gonna be here for a few minutes or however long this chapter is.)

Okay! On with the story!

No one moved.

"No," Thorn muttered as he stepped back a few feet. "It cannot be."

An arrow suddenly shot past Kenzie, like a streak of moonlight as it impaled the Manticore's shoulder. Thorn wailed in agony, staggering backward.

"Curse you!" The creature cried, unleashing spikes in an assault of dozens in the direction the arrows doubled in size, and the spikes shot back and sliced multiple thorns in half.

Heather got to her feet and immediately conjured up a shield to protect the kids while Kenzie pulled Percy to his feet, recognizing the work of the Hunters.

The monster pulled the arrow from his shoulder as a howl of pain escaped, allowing Percy to lunge and attempt to swipe him with Riptide. But Thorn wasn't that injured, using his tail he slammed against Percy's shield and sent the boy flying to the side somewhere near the daughter of Zeus.

Finally, the Hunters made their way out of the woods and let their appearance be known. The youngest seemed to be ten and the oldest had to be fourteen. The archers advanced on the Manticore, bows raised.

"The Hunters!" Annabeth cried.

"Wonderful," Thalia muttered.

Kenzie was always excited to see the Hunters. They were on good terms behavior-wise, as in they never tried to kill one another. Kenzie was near the Hunters every chance she got and always wanted to become a Hunter herself, but because of her beliefs about men, she couldn't, they still welcomed her with open arms and were happy to see her and it was vice versa.

Heather never really met the Hunters but knew what they were like. She loved their outfits and

history, though sometimes she never agreed with them on beliefs as she has a boyfriend, so she didn't imagine herself joining the Hunters and

was fine with that.

An older girl stepped forward, her bow raised, and held it up towards Thorn, she stood tall, with coppery colored skin as silver circles decorated the top of her long dark hair. "Permission to kill, My lady?"

"This is not fair!" Thorn screamed, wailing like a child. "Direct interference, it is against ancient laws!"

"Not so," another hunter stepped forward. "The hunting of all wild beasts is within my sphere, and you foul creature are a wild beast." the hunter turned towards the girl beside her. "Zoe, permission granted."

Thorn growled, his eyes quickly laying on Percy and Thalia who lay in the snow struggling to get up. "If I cannot have them alive," he said. "I shall have them dead!" he then lunged at them.

They heard Annabeth charge and she saw the black-haired girl charge towards the monster with her weapon drawn.

"Get back, Half-blood!" Zoe commanded, lowering her bow for a moment. "Get out of the line of fire!"

But Annabeth didn't listen, instead, she leaped onto the creature's back, her knife dug into his skin. The Manticore hailed and began turning in circles while the daughter of Athena held on.

"She had given us an opportunity," Zoe said, raising her bow once more. "Fire!"

But Annabeth didn't let go, no matter what.

"Annabeth," the daughter of Zeus called, attempting to get to her feet but only falling right back down. "Move, get out of there!"


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