This isn't supposed to happen...right?

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"That was exit," Kenzie muttered as she picked up her bag from the floor. "Now, where do we go now?"

Heather shrugged. "He said we can't know where it is," she said. "We just gotta find it."

Chandler sighed as he sat down at a bench near them. He looked through his bag for anything to keep him occupied. He found a full water bottle and started playing with it.

"Unrecycled plastic," he murmured. "Do they have no sympathy for wildlife or forests?"

Heather started to walk towards the bench. She laid her back against the pole and looked towards the city, trying to look for some clue to help them out. The daughter of Hades was lost in thought until the daughter of Athena walked to her side.

"Are you really okay, Heather?" she asked her.

The raven-haired girl was quiet for a moment before she looked at her friend.

"I told Nico about the cave," she finally admitted. Kenzie and Chandler looked at her.

"You did what?" Chandler asked.

"Heather!" Kenzie scolded. "You know what's gonna happen if Chiron and Dionysus find out about what we're doing! They wouldn't even let us speak to defend ourselves! We would get killed the first chance we get!"

"No, I would," she said. "It's my cabin and I'm in charge of this plan. If anything I would get in trouble and/or killed. Not you. Now, I know what I did was wrong but I know Nico is a good kid, he wouldn't spill anything on purpose. Now, I don't want to talk about this anymore."

The children of Athena and Demeter tried to talk to her, but she just made her way down to the city, ignoring them calling for her.

The daughter of Hades doesn't like making her friends angry at her, but she knows she has to keep them safe if she can't keep herself safe. She felt like it was the least she could do after they'd stuck with her as long as they had, even though they didn't have to at all.

As she continued walking down to the city, she kept thinking about this quest and how she would find out what the other lines of the Prophecy meant. She kept her head down, not knowing that she was walking into oncoming traffic. It was only when Kenzie pulled her back by her jacket did she finally realized it.

"Damn," Kenzie said breathlessly. "You really need to stop getting so lost in thought. One of these days it's gonna wind up killing you."

Heather sighed, looking at a sign that said. "Resort World, Las Vegas: 20 miles ahead"

"Did we just take a 38-hour ride to Las Vegas in the span of 3 minutes?" the daughter of Hades muttered to herself.

"Actually it was 5 minutes," Kenzie corrected, earning a hit in the chest by the daughter of Hades.

"My mom told me she was gonna spend the winter in a hotel here if I happen to come by during a quest," Chandler mentioned. "Maybe we can stop there so we can think of some ideas on what to do."

The girls said nothing for a moment and just looked at the sign.

"Where is she?" Kenzie asked. "Where is she staying?"

Chandler motioned to the sign they'd been staring at for the past 3 minutes.

"According to the sign, it's not that far from here, so I think it's best if we just walk."

The trio looked at each other before grabbing their bags tighter and taking off to Resort World.


The trio were just admiring the city. The buildings, the Christmas attractions, and the lights that were brightly beaming around them. Though the things awed them, they didn't stop for fear that they would run into a monster if they did.

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